Python Program to split string into k sized overlapping strings

Splitting a string into smaller parts is a common task in many text processing and data analysis scenarios. In this blog post, we will explore how to write a Python program to split a given string into k-sized overlapping strings. This program can be helpful when working with sequences of data where overlapping segments are needed for analysis, feature extraction, or pattern recognition.

Understanding the Problem

Before diving into the implementation details, let's define the requirements of our program. We need to develop a Python solution that takes a string as input and splits it into k-sized overlapping strings. For example, if the given string is "Hello, world!" and k is 3, the program should generate overlapping strings as follows: "Hel", "ell", "llo", "lo,", "o, ", ", w", " wo", "wor", "orl", "rld", "ld!". Here, each generated string has a length of 3 characters and overlaps the previous string by 2 characters.

Approach and Algorithm

To achieve our goal of splitting a string into k-sized overlapping strings, we can follow the following approach −

  • Iterate over the input string, considering substrings of length k.

  • Append each substring to a list or another data structure to store the generated overlapping strings.

In the next section, we will delve into the implementation details and provide a step-by-step guide on how to write the Python program to accomplish this task.


Now that we have a clear understanding of the problem and the approach we'll take, let's dive into the implementation details. We'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to write the Python program to split a string into k-sized overlapping strings.

Step 1: Defining the Function

To start, let's define a function that takes two parameters: the input string and the value of k, representing the desired size of the overlapping strings. Here's an example 

def split_into_overlapping_strings(input_string, k):
    overlapping_strings = []
    # Code to split the input string into overlapping strings
    return overlapping_strings

In the code snippet above, we have defined the function split_into_overlapping_strings() that initializes an empty list, overlapping_strings, to store the generated overlapping strings. We will write the code to split the string in the next steps.

Step 2: Splitting the String

To split the string into k-sized overlapping strings, we can use a loop to iterate over the input string. For each iteration, we extract a substring of length k from the current position, ensuring that we don't exceed the string length. Here's the code snippet 

def split_into_overlapping_strings(input_string, k):
    overlapping_strings = []
    for i in range(len(input_string) - k + 1):
        substring = input_string[i:i+k]
    return overlapping_strings

In the code above, we use a loop to iterate from 0 to len(input_string) - k + 1. Within each iteration, we extract the substring using string slicing, starting from i and extending to i+k. We append each generated substring to the overlapping_strings list.

Step 3: Testing the Function

To ensure our function works correctly, let's test it with sample inputs and verify the generated overlapping strings. Here's an example 


input_string = "Hello, world!"
k = 3

result = split_into_overlapping_strings(input_string, k)


The output of the above code should be 

['Hel', 'ell', 'llo', 'lo,', 'o, ', ', w', ' wo', 'wor', 'orl', 'rld', 'ld!']

In the next section, we will discuss any limitations or potential edge cases of our program and explore possible improvements or extensions.

Discussion and Further Enhancements

Now that we have implemented the Python program to split a string into k-sized overlapping strings, let's discuss any limitations or potential edge cases of our program and explore possible improvements or extensions.

Limitations and Edge Cases

  • String Length  Our current implementation assumes that the length of the input string is greater than or equal to the value of k. If the input string is shorter than k, the program will not generate any overlapping strings. Handling such cases and providing appropriate error messages would enhance the program's robustness.

  • Non-Numeric Inputs  The current program assumes that the value of k is a positive integer. If a non-numeric input or a negative value is provided for k, the program may raise a TypeError or produce unexpected results. Adding input validation and error handling for such cases would make the program more user-friendly.

Possible Improvements and Extensions

  • Handling Overlapping Lengths  Modify the program to handle cases where the length of the input string is not evenly divisible by k. Currently, the program generates overlapping strings of size k, but it may discard the remaining characters if they do not form a complete overlapping string. Including options to handle such cases, such as padding or truncation, would provide more flexibility.

  • Custom Overlap Size  Extend the program to support custom overlap sizes. Instead of fixed overlaps of size k, allow users to specify the overlap length as a separate parameter. This would enable more fine-grained control over the generated overlapping strings.

  • Case Sensitivity  Consider incorporating an option to handle case sensitivity. Currently, the program treats upper and lower case letters as distinct characters. Providing an option to ignore case or treat them as equivalent would increase the program's versatility.

  • Interactive User Interface  Enhance the program by building an interactive user interface, such as a command-line interface (CLI) or a graphical user interface (GUI). This would allow users to input the string and desired parameters more conveniently, further improving the program's usability.

By addressing the limitations and exploring these possible improvements, our program can become more versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.


In this blog post, we explored how to write a Python program to split a string into k-sized overlapping strings. We discussed the significance of this program in various text processing and data analysis tasks, where overlapping segments are required for analysis, feature extraction, or pattern recognition.

We provided a step-by-step guide to implementing the program, explaining the approach and algorithm in detail. By iterating over the input string and extracting substrings of length k, we generated overlapping strings. We also discussed testing the program with sample inputs to verify its correctness.

Moreover, we discussed the limitations and potential edge cases of our program, such as handling string length and non-numeric inputs. We explored possible improvements and extensions, including handling overlapping lengths, custom overlap sizes, case sensitivity, and building an interactive user interface.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023


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