Python program to print words from a sentence with highest and lowest ASCII value of characters

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), is a character encoding system that represents every character as a unique 7-bit binary code i.e. ASCII values are a numerical representation of characters. The ASCII values are 7-bit binary codes that range from 0 to 127. For Example, the ASCII code for a space character is 32, and for digit ‘1’ ASCII code is 49 and similarly ASCII codes are assigned to each character which is represented in an ASCII table.

In Python, the ASCII code of a character can be computed using a predefined function ord(), which takes a character as input and returns the ASCII code for that character.

For example, ord(‘A’) returns 65.

Problem Statement

Given a string S. Print the words that have the highest and lowest average of ASCII values of its characters.

Sample Example 1


S = “today is a sunny day”


Highest ASCII value = “sunny”
Lowest ASCII value = “a”


Average of ASCII values:
today = (116 + 111 + 100 + 97 + 121) / 5 = 109
is = (105 + 115) / 2 = 110
a = 97 / 1 = 97
sunny = (115 + 117 + 110 + 110 + 121) / 5 = 114.6
day = (100 + 97 + 121) / 3 = 106
Thus, “sunny” has the highest average and “a” has the lowest average.

Sample Example 2


S = “pink city”


Highest ASCII value = “city”
Lowest ASCII value = “pink”


Average of ASCII values:
pink = (112 + 105 + 110 + 107) / 4 = 108.5
city = (99 + 105 + 116 + 121) / 4 = 110.25
Thus, “city” has the highest average and “pink” has the lowest average.

Approach 1: Brute Force Approach

The brute force solution for the problem is to split the input sentence into words and then calculate the average of ASCII values of each word to find the highest and lowest average of ASCII values of characters.

For converting the input string to a list of words we use the inbuilt split() function.


procedure ascii_avg (word)
   sum = 0
   For each character c in word
      sum = sum + ord(c)
   end for
   avg = sum / length(word)
   ans = avg
end procedure

procedure highLow (sentence)
   words = split sentence by whitespace
   high_word = words[0]
   low_word = words[0]
   high_avg = ascii_avg(words[0])
   low_avg = ascii_avg(words[0])
   for i = 1 to length(words) - 1
      word = words[i]
      avg = ascii_avg(word)
      if avg > high_avg
         high_word = word
         high_avg = avg
      else if avg < low_avg
         low_word = word
         low_avg = avg
      end if
   end for
   print "Highest ASCII value:", high_word
   print "Lowest ASCII value:", low_word
end procedure

Example: Python Implementation

In the following program, we used a split function to split sentences into words.

def ascii_avg(word):
   Returns the average ASCII value of a word.
   return sum(ord(c) for c in word) / len(word)

def highLow (sentence):
   Prints the words with the highest and lowest average ASCII values in a sentence.
   words = sentence.split()
   high_word, low_word = words[0], words[0]
   high_avg, low_avg = ascii_avg(words[0]), ascii_avg(words[0])
   for word in words[1:]:
      avg = ascii_avg(word)
      if avg > high_avg:
         high_word, high_avg = word, avg
      elif avg < low_avg:
         low_word, low_avg = word , avg
   print("Highest ASCII value:", high_word)
   print("Lowest ASCII value:", low_word)

highLow("today is a sunny day")


Highest ASCII value: sunny
Lowest ASCII value: a

Approach 2: Using a Heap

Another approach to the problem can be to keep a heap to maintain the highest and lowest ASCII values so far. Additionally, we maintain a dictionary to map words to their ASCII values and extract the highest and lowest using a heap.


procedure highLow(sentence)
   words = split sentence by whitespace
   word_avg = {}
   for each word in words
      avg = 0
      for each character c in word
         avg = avg + ord(c)
      end for
      avg = avg / length(word)
      word_avg[word] = avg
   end for
   high_heap = []
   low_heap = []
   for word, avg IN word_avg.items()
      heapq.heappush(high_heap, (-avg, word))
      heapq.heappush(low_heap, (avg, word))
   end for
   high_word = heapq.heappop(high_heap)[1]
   low_word = heapq.heappop(low_heap)[1]
   print "Highest ASCII value:", high_word
   print "Lowest ASCII value:", low_word
end procedure

Example: Python Implementation

In the following program, we use a heap to keep track of the highest and lowest ASCII values and dictionary to map values.

import heapq

def highLow(sentence):
   Prints the words with the highest and lowest average ASCII values in a sentence.
   words = sentence.split()
   word_avg = {word: sum(ord(c) for c in word) / len(word) for word in words}
   high_heap = [(-avg, word) for word, avg in word_avg.items()]
   low_heap = [(avg, word) for word, avg in word_avg.items()]
   high_word = heapq.heappop(high_heap)[1]
   low_word = heapq.heappop(low_heap)[1]
   print("Highest ASCII value:", high_word)
   print("Lowest ASCII value:", low_word)

highLow("today is a sunny day")


Highest ASCII value: sunny
Lowest ASCII value: a

Approach 3: Using Inbuilt Functions

Using inbuilt functions like ord() that returns the ASCII value of a character, max() and min() to find the maximum and minimum values, the problem can be solved.


procedure highLow(sentence)
   words = split sentence by whitespace
   high_word = max(words, key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w))
   low_word = min(words, key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w))
   print "Highest ASCII value:", high_word
   print "Lowest ASCII value:", low_word
end procedure

Example: Python Implementation

In the following program, we use the inbuilt Python function to find the words with the highest and lowest ASCII values.

def highLow(sentence):
   Prints the words with the highest and lowest average ASCII values in a sentence.
   words = sentence.split()
   # min() and max() are built-in functions
   high_word = max(words, key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w))
   low_word = min(words, key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w))
   print("Highest ASCII value:", high_word)
   print("Lowest ASCII value:", low_word)

highLow("today is a sunny day")


Highest ASCII value: sunny
Lowest ASCII value: a

Time Complexity − O(nlogn)

Space Complexity − O(n)

Approach 4: Sorting the Words by Their Average ASCII Values

By sorting the words according to their average ASCII words, we can find the highest value from the last element and the lowest value from the first element.


procedure highLow (sentence)
   words = split sentence by whitespace
   words_sorted = sort words by key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w)
   print "Highest ASCII value:", last word in words_sorted
   print "Lowest ASCII value:", first word in words_sorted
end procedure

Example: Python Implementation

In the following program, we sort the words based on their average ASCII values.

def highLow(sentence):
   Prints the words with the highest and lowest average ASCII values in a sentence.
   words = sentence.split()
   # Sorts the words in ascending order
   words_sorted = sorted(words, key=lambda w: sum(ord(c) for c in w) / len(w))
   print("Highest ASCII value:", words_sorted[-1])
   print("Lowest ASCII value:", words_sorted[0])

highLow("today is a sunny day")


Highest ASCII value: sunny
Lowest ASCII value: a

Time Complexity − O(nlogn)

Space Complexity − O(n)


In conclusion, to find the words with the highest and lowest average ASCII values, we can use any of the above approaches some of which are easy to understand but have a high time complexity of O(n^2) but using built-in functions it can be reduced to O(nlogn).

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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