Python Program to find the number of operations to pack several metal bars in a container

Suppose, we are given the tasks to transport several metal bars of different sizes. But the transportation container is short in length, it can contain bars of length 1 only. We are provided n number of bars, and their lengths are given to us in a list. So, to fit all the bars in the container; we have to cut and divide all the bars so they are of unit sizes. Further, we fit all the bars into the container that cost us one operation. We have to find the number of operations we have to perform on the bars.

So, if the input is like input_arr = [6, 3, 7], then the output will be 22

  • To make the bar of size 6 into bars of size 1, we have to perform 10 operations.

  • To make the bar of size 3 into bars of size 1, we have to perform 4 operations.

  • To make the bar of size 7 into bars of size 1, we have to perform 8 operations.

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • Define a function prime_find() . This will take input_num

    • prime_check := a new list of size floor value of((input_num-1)/2) containing value True

    • for p_num in range 3 to the floor of square root of (input_num) +1, increase by 2, do

      • if prime_check[floor value of (p_num-3)/2] is non-zero, then

        • for each element in range floor value of (p_num ^ 2-3)/2 to p_num in prime_check, do

          • prime_check[element] := a new list of size (floor value of ((input_num-p_num ^2)/(2*p_num) + 1)) containing value False

    • for i in range 0 to floor value of (input_num - 1) / 2, do

      • if prime_check[i] is True −
        • return a list containing values 2 + 2 * i + 3

  • From the main function, do the following −

    • prime_nums := prime_find(10^6 + 100)
    • result := 0
    • for each value in input_arr, do
      • result := result + value
      • f_list := a new list
      • for each p_num in prime_nums, do
        • while value mod p_num is same as 0, do
          • insert p_num at the end of f_list
          • value := floor value of (value / p_num)
        • if p_num^2 > value, then
          • if value > 1, then
            • insert value at the end of f_list
          • exit the loop

        • temp := 1
        • for each p_num in f_list in reverse order, do
          • result := result + temp
          • temp := temp * p_num
    • return result


Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −

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from math import floor,sqrt
def prime_find(input_num):
   prime_check = [True]*((input_num-1)//2)
   for p_num in range(3,floor(sqrt(input_num))+1,2):
      if prime_check[(p_num-3)//2]: prime_check[(p_num**2-3)//2::p_num] = [False] * ((input_num-p_num**2)//(2*p_num) + 1)
   return [2]+[2*i+3 for i in range((input_num - 1) // 2) if prime_check[i]]
def solve(input_arr):
   prime_nums = prime_find(10**6+100)
   result = 0
   for value in input_arr:
      result += value
      f_list = []
      for p_num in prime_nums:
         while value % p_num == 0:
            value //= p_num
         if p_num**2 > value:
            if value > 1:
      temp = 1
      for p_num in f_list[-1::-1]:
         result += temp
         temp *= p_num
   return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(solve([6, 3, 7]))


[6, 3, 7]



Updated on: 18-May-2021


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