Python Program to find Maximum Scoring Word

In Python, strings are a fundamental data type used to represent sequences of characters. They are enclosed in single quotes ('') or double quotes ("") and offer a wide range of operations and methods for manipulation


Assume we have taken an input string. We will now find the maximum scoring word from an input string using the above methods.


inputString = "hello tutorialspoint python users and learners"


Resultant maximum scoring word from the input string:  tutorialspoint

In the above input string, the sum of characters' positional values of the word tutorialspoint is having the maximum value. Hence it is the maximum-scoring word in an input string.

Method 1: Using for loop, split(), ord(), ascii_lowercase functions

In this method we are going to use combination of for loop, split(), ord(), ascii_lowercase functions to find maximum scoring word.

The ascii_lowercase is a pre-initialized string that is used as a string constant in Python 3. Python's string ascii_lowercase returns lowercase letters.

ord() function(returns the Unicode code/ASCII value of a given character as a number)

ascii_lowercase(returns lowercase letters)

string.split(separator, maxsplit)

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithm/steps to be followed to perform the desired task –.

  • Use the import keyword to import the string module.

  • Create a variable to store the input string and print the given string.

  • Initialize a variable with 0 to state the current word score.

  • Initialize another variable with 0 to store the maximum score.

  • Create an empty string to store the maximum scoring word from an input string.

  • Use the split() function(splits a string into a list. We can define the separator; the default separator is any whitespace) to split the input string into a list of words and traverse through words of that list using for loop.

  • Initialize the score of the current word as 0.

  • Use another nested for loop to traverse through each character of the current word.

  • Use the if conditional statement to check whether the current character is lowercase.

  • Add the ASCII value difference of the current character to the score.

  • Use the if conditional statement to check whether the score of the current word is greater than the maximum score.

  • Update the maximum score with the current word score if the condition is true.

  • Update the current word as the maximum scoring word.

  • Print the resultant maximum scoring word from the input string


The following program returns the maximum scoring word from the input string using for loop, split(), ord(), and ascii_lowercase functions

# importing string module
import string
# input string
inputString = "hello tutorialspoint python users and learners"
# Printing input string
print("Input string: ", inputString)
# Storing current word score
curr_score = 0
# Storing maximum score
maximumScore = 0
# empty string for storing the maximum scoring word from a string
maxScoreWord = ''
# Splitting input string into a list of words and traversing through words of that list
for word in inputString.split():
    # Initializing the score of the current word as 0
    curr_score = 0
    # Traversing through each character of the current word
    for character in word:
        # Checking whether the character is lowercase
        if character in string.ascii_lowercase:
            #  Adding the ASCII value difference of the current character to the score
            curr_score += ord(character) - 96
    # checking whether the score of the current word is greater than the maximum score
    if curr_score > maximumScore:
        # updating the maximum score with the current word score if the condition is true
        maximumScore = curr_score
        # updating the current word as the maximum scoring word
        maxScoreWord = word
# printing resultant maximum scoring word from the input string
print("Resultant maximum scoring word from the input string: ", maxScoreWord)


Input string:  hello tutorialspoint python users and learners
Resultant maximum scoring word from the input string:  tutorialspoint

Method 2: Using for loop, sum() and ord() functions

In this method, we will learn how to use simple for loop(), sum() and ord() function to find the maximum scoring word.

sum() function(returns the sum of all items in an iterable)

ord() function(returns the Unicode code/ASCII value of a given character as a number)

split() function(splits a string into a list. We can define the separator; the default separator is any whitespace)

sum(iterable, start=0)

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithm/steps to be followed to perform the desired task –

  • Use the split function to split the input string into a list of words and traverse through words of that list using for loop.

  • Get the sum of differences ASCII values of each character of the word by iterating through the word and checking whether it is in lowercase letters.

  • Use the if conditional statement to check whether the score of the current word is greater than the maximum score.

  • Update the maximum score with the current word score if the condition is true.

  • Update the current word as the maximum scoring word.

  • Print the resultant maximum scoring word from the input string


The following program returns the maximum scoring word from the input string for loop, sum(), and ord() functions –

# importing string module
import string
# input string
inputString = "hello tutorialspoint python users and learners"
# Printing input string
print("Input string: ", inputString)
# Storing current word score
curr_score = 0
# Storing maximum score
maximumScore = 0
# empty string for storing the maximum scoring word from a string
maxScoreWord = ''
# Splitting input string into a list of words and traversing through words of that list
for word in inputString.split():
    #  getting the score of current word
    curr_score = sum(
        ord(character) - 96 for character in word if character in string.ascii_lowercase)
    # checking whether the score of the current word is greater than the maximum score
    if curr_score > maximumScore:
        # updating the maximum score with the current word score if the condition is true
        maximumScore = curr_score
         # updating the current word as the maximum scoring word
        maxScoreWord = word
# printing resultant maximum scoring word from the input string
print("Resultant maximum scoring word from the input string: ", maxScoreWord)


Input string:  hello tutorialspoint python users and learners
Resultant maximum scoring word from the input string:  tutorialspoint


In conclusion, the provided code demonstrates two different methods to find the maximum scoring word from an input string. Both methods involve iterating through the words of the input string and calculating a score based on the ASCII values of the characters. The maximum scoring word is determined by comparing the calculated scores. The code showcases the usage of string manipulation, iteration, conditional statements, and built-in functions in Python to achieve the desired result.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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