Python program to determine whether the given number is a Harshad Number

When it is required to determine if a given number is a Harshad number or not, a simple loop and ‘%’ operator, ‘+’ operator and ‘//’ operators can be used.

A Harshad number is also known as a Niven number. It is a number whoses base is an integer that can be divided by the sum of its digits when it is written as that base value.

Below is a demonstration for the same −


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my_num = 134
remaining = sum_val = 0
print("A copy of the number to be checked is being made...")
my_num_copy = my_num;
while(my_num > 0):
   remaining = my_num%10;
   sum_val = sum_val + remaining;
   my_num = my_num//10;
if(my_num_copy % sum_val == 0):
   print(str(my_num_copy) + " is a Harshad number");
   print(str(my_num_copy) + " isn't a Harshad number");


A copy of the number to be checked is being made...
134 isn't a Harshad number


  • A number is defined.
  • Another sum variable is assigned the value 0.
  • The number is checked to be greater than 0, and modulus operation is performed on it.
  • This result is added to the ‘sum’ and the number is again floor divided by 10.
  • If the remainder when the number and sum are divided is 0, it is considered as a Harshad number.
  • Otherwise, it is not considered as a Harshad number.

Updated on: 12-Mar-2021


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