Python program to count the number of vowels using set in a given string

We will count the number of vowels using set in a given string. Let’s say we have the following input −


The output should be the following, counting the number of vowels −


Count the number of vowels using set in a given string

We will count the number of vowels using set in a give string −


def vowelFunc(str): c = 0 # Create a set of vowels s="aeiouAEIOU" v = set(s) # Loop to traverse the alphabet in the given string for alpha in str: # If alphabet is present # in set vowel if alpha in v: c = c + 1 print("Count of Vowels = ", c) # Driver code str = input("Enter the string = ") vowelFunc(str)


Enter the string = howareyou
Count of Vowels = 5

Count the number of vowels using set in a given string without using a function

We will count the number of vowels using set without using a function −


# string to be checked myStr = "masterofnone" count = 0 print("Our String = ",myStr) # Vowel Set vowels = set("aeiouAEIOU") # Loop through, check and count the vowels for alpha in myStr: if alpha in vowels: count += 1 print("Count of Vowels = ",count)


Our String = masterofnone
Count of Vowels = 5

Updated on: 11-Aug-2022

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