Python Program to Convert Singular to Plural

In this article, we will learn a Python Program to Convert Singular to Plural.

Assume you are given a singular word and we must convert it into plural using the various python methods.

Methods Used

The following are the various methods to accomplish this task −

  • Using the regex module

  • Using NLTK and Pattern-en Packages

  • Using the Textblob module

  • Using inflect module

Method 1: Using the regex module

The regex module in python searches for a string or group of strings based on a specified pattern. In case it doesn't already exist in your Python you must install it, this module often comes pre-installed with Python.


The following program returns the plural of the given word using the regex module by specifying the appropriate regex patterns −

# importing re(regex) module
from re import *
# input word to be pluralized
inputWord = "plant"
print("The plural of the word {", inputWord, "} is:")
# checking whether the input word is ending with s,x,z or is
# ending with ah, eh, ih, oh, uh, dh, gh, kh, ph, rh, th
# with the regex pattern
if search('[sxz]$', inputWord) or search('[^aeioudgkprt]h$', inputWord):
   # If it is true, then get the pluraof the inputWord by adding "es" in end
   print(sub('$', 'es', inputWord))
# checking whether the input word is ending with ay,ey,iy,oy,uy
# with the other regex pattern
elif search('[aeiou]y$', inputWord):
   # If it is true, then get the plural
   # of the word by removing 'y' from the end and adding ies to end
      print(sub('y$', 'ies', inputWord))
# Else add it just "s" to the word at the end to make it plural
   print(inputWord + 's')


On executing, the above program will generate the following output −

The plural of the word { plant } is:

But, using this regex method is not very efficient for obtaining plurals because it correctly pluralizes some words while failing to do so in other instances. As a result, we shall search for more effective techniques to determine the word's plural.

Method 2: Using NLTK and Pattern-en Packages

NLTK module

The NLTK module creates Python applications to work with human language data and offers simple interfaces to corpora and lexical resources.

Pattern Module

A pattern module is an open-source Python module that is used to carry out various natural language processing operations. This module can be used for a variety of tasks, including text processing and data mining.

Install the pattern module using the below command

pip install pattern

Download the required nltk data using the below code −

# importing nltk module
import nltk'omw-1.4')
# downloading the NLTK data to run the en function of the package module'popular')


The following program returns the plural of the given word using the NLTK and Pattern-en Packages −

# importing pluralize from pattern-en module
from pattern.en import pluralize
# passing the word to be pluralized as an argument to the 
# pluralize() function to make the word plural


On executing, the above program will generate the following output −


Method 3:Using the Textblob module

The Textblob Python module is used to process textual data and is referred to as Textblob module. This is one of the simplest modules for problems involving natural language processing.

The following command can be used to download this module. You also need to install the textblob module's corpora function in addition to the texblob module.

Install the textblob module using the below command −

pip install textblob 


The following program returns the plural of the given word using the Textblob module −

# importing TextBlob function from textblob module 
from textblob import TextBlob
# passing the word to be pluralized as an argument to the TextBlob() function 
blobWord = TextBlob('flower')
# printing the plural word of the given blob word using the pluralize() function


On executing, the above program will generate the following output −


Method 4: Using inflect module

Inflect module

The Inflect module in Python is used to create plural nouns, singular nouns, ordinals, and indefinite articles, as well as to convert numbers into words. The following command can be used to install this module.

Installation −

pip install inflect

Algorithm (Steps)

Following are the Algorithm/steps to be followed to perform the desired task. −

  • Use the import keyword to import inflect module.

  • Set the engine/source of the inflect module using the engine() function

  • Use the pluralize() function to get the plural of the given word by passing the input word as an argument to it and print the resultant word.

  • The singular noun is converted into a plural noun by the plural() function, which functions very appropriately.


The following program returns the plural of the given word using the inflect module −

# importing inflect module
import inflect
m = inflect.engine()
# input word to be pluralized 
word = 'dog'
# Pass the word to be pluralized as an argument to the plural() 
# function to make the word plural.
print("The plural form of 'dog' is: ", m.plural(word))


On executing, the above program will generate the following output −

The plural form of 'dog' is:  dogs


In this article, we covered four different methods for changing the given word from singular to plural. We learned how to use the pip command to install a module. Additionally, we learned how to download data from nltk.

Updated on: 01-Feb-2023

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