Python program to convert an array to an ordinary list with the same items

The array is given. Our task is to convert an array to an ordinary list. We solve this problem with the help of tolist() function. This function return the array as a (possibly nested) list.


Step 1: Given an array.
Step 2: convert the array to a list using tolist() function.
Step 3: Display list

Example Code

#Python program to convert an array to an ordinary
#list with the same items
from array import *
def arraytolist(A): 
   lst = A.tolist() # list
   print("The List Is ::>",lst) 
# Driver code 
A= array('i', [20,30,60]) # array 


The List Is ::> [20, 30, 60]
The List Is ::> [20, 30, 60]

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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