Python program to calculate age in year

Generally, the age of a person is calculated by subtracting the birth year with the current year then the age of the person will be generated in years. In the same way we can calculate the age of a person by using the python modules datetime, dateutil and timedelta.

General Calculation of Age in years

Current year - Birth year


In this example we are implementing the general way of calculating the age using pythn language by passing the current year and birth years as the inputs to created function age_calculator() then the total age will be generated in years.

def age_calculator(current_year,birth_year):
   age = current_year - birth_year
   print("The age of the person in years is",age,"years")


The age of the person in years is 28 years

There are some methods available in python which helps us to calculate the age of a person in years. Let’s see those methods one by one in detail.

Using datetime module

In python we have the module called datetime to get the current date to subtract birth year of the person. The is the function available in datetime module which gets the present date.


In this example we are passing the birth date to the split function to get birth year and using the function generated the current date then subtracted the birth year from the current year.

import datetime
birthdate = "14-05-1991"
day,month,year = map(int, birthdate.split("-"))
today =
age = today.year - year - ((today.month, < (month, day))
print("Your age is",age,"years.")


Your age is 32 years.

Using dateutil method

The other module available in python is dateutil, which provides a relativedelta() function to calculate the difference between the birth date and the current date.

The relativedelta() function of the dateutil module takes the current year and birth year as the input arguments and returns the age as the output.


In this example we are taking the birth date as the input and separating the birth year using the datetime.datetime.strptime() function. Next generated the current year using the function then subtracted the birth year from the current year to generate the persons age.

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import datetime
birthdate = "22-01-1995"
birthdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(birthdate, '%d-%m-%Y').date()
today =
age = relativedelta(today, birthdate).years
print("your age is",age,"years.")


your age is 28 years.

Using timedelta() function

The timedelta() function from the datetime module is used to calculate the number of days between two dates and then divides the average number of days in a year (365.2425) to get the age in years.


Here in this example we are generating the current year by using the and calculated the difference between the current date, the birth date and then divides the average number of days in a year and returns the age of the person.

import datetime
def age_calculator(birthdate):
   today =
   age = (today - birthdate) // datetime.timedelta(days=365.2425)
   return age
birthdate =, 5, 14)
age = age_calculator(birthdate)
print("The age of the person in years is",age,"years")


The age of the person in years is 32 years

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023

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