Python program for removing n-th character from a string?

In this article, we will remove the nth character from a string in Python. Let’s say we have the following input string −


The output should be the following after removing nth character i.e. 2nd index −


Python program for removing n-th character from a string

In this example, we will remove the nth character from a string −


def removechar(str1, n): x = str1[ : n] y = str1[n + 1: ] return x + y # Driver Code if __name__ == '__main__': str1 = input("Enter a String =") n = int(input("Enter the n-th index =")) print("The new string =\n") print(removechar(str1, n))


Enter a String= Jacob
Enter the n-th index = 2
The new string =

Python program for removing n-th character from a string without user input

In this example, we will remove the nth character from a string without user input −


def removechar(myStr, n): x = myStr[ : n] y = myStr[n + 1: ] return x + y # Driver Code if __name__ == '__main__': myStr = "Hello" print("String = ",myStr) # nth index # character to be removed at this index n = 2 print("The new string = ",removechar(myStr, n))


String = Hello
The new string = Helo

Python program for removing n-th character from a string using for loop

In this example, we will remove the nth character from a string using for loop −


# Create a String myStr = "How are you?" # Display the initial string print("String = ",myStr) # nth index # The character is to be removed at this index n = 9 newStr = '' # for loop iteration for char in range(0, len(myStr)): if(char != n): # append newStr += myStr[char] # Display the updated string print("Updated string = ",newStr)


String = How are you?
Updated string = How are yu?

Updated on: 11-Aug-2022


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