Python Pandas - Display the keyword arguments applied on the given BusinessDay object

To display the keyword arguments applied on the given BusinessDay Offset object, use the BusinessDay.kwds property in Pandas.

At first, import the required libraries −

import datetime
import pandas as pd

Set the timestamp object in Pandas −

timestamp = pd.Timestamp('2021-10-30 01:55:02.000045')

Create the BusinessDay Offset. BusinessDay is the DateOffset subclass −

bdOffset = pd.tseries.offsets.BusinessDay(offset = datetime.timedelta(hours = 7, minutes = 7))

Display the Updated Timestamp −

print("\nUpdated Timestamp...\n",timestamp + bdOffset)

Display the keyword arguments −

print("\nKeyword arguments on the given BusinessDay Offset...\n",bdOffset.kwds)


Following is the code −

import datetime
import pandas as pd

# Set the timestamp object in Pandas
timestamp = pd.Timestamp('2021-10-30 01:55:02.000045')

# Display the Timestamp

# Create the BusinessDay Offset
# BusinessDay is the DateOffset subclass
bdOffset = pd.tseries.offsets.BusinessDay(offset = datetime.timedelta(hours = 7, minutes = 7))

# Display the BusinessDay Offset
print("\nBusinessDay Offset...\n",bdOffset)

# Display the Updated Timestamp
print("\nUpdated Timestamp...\n",timestamp + bdOffset)

# return the frequency applied on the given BusinessDay object as a string
print("\nFrequency on the given BusinessDay Offset...\n",bdOffset.freqstr)

# Display the keyword arguments
print("\nKeyword arguments on the given BusinessDay Offset...\n",bdOffset.kwds)


This will produce the following code −

 2021-10-30 01:55:02.000045

BusinessDay Offset...
 <BusinessDay: offset=datetime.timedelta(seconds=25620)>

Updated Timestamp...
 2021-11-01 09:02:02.000045

Frequency on the given BusinessDay Offset...

Keyword arguments on the given BusinessDay Offset...
 {'offset': datetime.timedelta(seconds=25620)}

Updated on: 21-Oct-2021


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