Python – Rear Addition of Record

In this article, we are going investigate three distinctive approaches for including records to the rise of a dataset in Python. These approaches give proficient and flexible solutions for information-preparing errands. We are going to cover the utilization of Python records, Python's built-in deque class, and NumPy module. Each approach offers its claim preferences, depending on factors such as execution and ease of execution.

The rear addition of a record in Python alludes to the method of including a modern information passage to the conclusion or raise of an existing dataset. It could be a common operation in information-handling errands, where modern data should be added to an existing collection of records. Python offers a few approaches to attain raise expansion productively. A few commonly utilized strategies incorporate utilizing Python lists, Python's built-in deque (Double-Ended Line) class from the collections module, or leveraging NumPy clusters.

Utilizing Python records, you'll effortlessly include a record to the conclusion of the list by utilizing the append() function. Deque class offers an optimized information structure particularly outlined for raise addition and removal operations. NumPy modules, on the other hand, are effective for numerical computations and additionally bolster raise augmentations. By utilizing the numpy.append() function, you'll be able effectively to add a record to the existing list.


Approach 1 βˆ’ Using Lists

Approach 2 βˆ’ Using Python’s built-in Deque

Approach 3 βˆ’ Using NumPy Arrays

Approach 1: Python – Rear Addition of Records using Lists

Records are variable and lively, making them culminate for such operations. Let's bounce into the calculation and steps for this approach βˆ’


  • Step 1 βˆ’ Create an empty list to store the dataset.

  • Step 2 βˆ’ Define a list named record.

  • Step 3 βˆ’ Add the record to the conclusion of the list utilizing the append() method.

  • Step 4 βˆ’ Show the upgraded dataset.


# Create a list
dataset = [('John',1)]

# Initialize the tuple
record = ('David',2)

# Add record to the dataset

# Display the updated dataset
print("Updated Dataset:", dataset)


 Updated Dataset: [('John', 1), ('David', 2)]

Approach 2: Python – Rear Addition of Records using Python’s built-in `deque`(Double-Ended Queue)

Python gives the deque class from the collections module, which can be a double-ended line. It licenses able expansions and releases from both closes. Here's the calculation and steps for this approach βˆ’


  • Step 1 βˆ’ Import the deque class from the collections module.

  • Step 2 βˆ’ Make and cleanse the deque to store the dataset.

  • Step 3 βˆ’ Initialize the tuple to store the record.

  • Step 4 βˆ’ Consolidate the record to the deque utilizing the deque() method.

  • Step 5 βˆ’ Print the modified dataset.


from collections import deque
dataset = deque()

record = ('Kelvin Joseph')

# Add a record to the rear of the deque

# Display the updated dataset
print("Updated Dataset:", list(dataset))


Updated Dataset: ['Kelvin Joseph']

Approach 3: Python – Rear Addition of Records using NumPy Arrays

For scenarios where execution may be a fundamental calculation, utilizing NumPy module can be profitable. NumPy may be an able library for numerical computations and gives successful operations on the module. Let's see at the calculation and steps for this approach βˆ’


  • Step 1 βˆ’ Result in the numpy library.

  • Step 2 βˆ’ Make and cleanse NumPy cluster to store the dataset.

  • Step 3 βˆ’ Create a tuple to enter the record to be included.

  • Step 4 βˆ’ Utilize the numpy.append() work to incorporate the record to the rise of the cluster.

  • Step 5 βˆ’ Show the upgraded dataset.


import numpy as mydata

# Create an NumPy array
dataset = mydata.array(('John',1))

# Creation of tuple
record = ('Dyna',2)

# Add record to the rear of the array
dataset = mydata.append(dataset, record)

# Display the updated dataset
print("Updated Dataset:", dataset)


Updated Dataset: ['John' '1' 'Dyna' '2']


In this article, we examined three approaches for counting the records of a dataset in Python. We talked about calculations, step-by-step methodologies, and given code cases in conjunction with their yields. Each approach offers its claim central focuses, depending on the specific necessities of your application. By leveraging the control of Python's records, deques, and NumPy clusters, you'll beneficially handle the raised development of records in your data planning assignments.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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