Python - Multiplying Selective Values

In Python, multiplying selective values entails picking and choosing which components of a given data structure, like a list or an array, to multiply. This method is useful when you need to conduct multiplication operations on only a subset of components following predefined rules or specifications. Python provides a variety of methods for successfully doing this task.

We will examine two different strategies in this discussion: using list comprehension and using a loop. When it comes to multiplying selective numbers, these methods offer ease and versatility while accommodating a variety of circumstances and use cases. Understanding these techniques will enable you to use Python's capabilities to perform precise multiplication operations on your data structures.


To multiply selective values in Python, we can follow the two methods −

  • Utilizing the List Comprehension Approach

  • Utilizing the loop

Let us look into both approaches:-

Approach-1:  Utilize the List Comprehension Approach

The first method for multiplying specific numbers in Python makes use of list comprehension. List comprehension, which has the added feature of simultaneously filtering and changing the items, is a succinct and expressive approach to generating lists from existing lists. To selectively multiply elements depending on certain criteria, we can use list comprehension. Here is some sample code to illustrate this strategy −


The algorithm to multiply selective values in Python is given below −

  • Create a function called selective_values_multiplied that has two inputs: numbers (a list of integers), and condition (a function that specifies the prerequisites for selected multiplication).

  • To hold the multiplied values, built an empty list called multiplied_values.

  • Go over again for this process for each num in the list of numbers.

  • The multiplication factor can be ascertained by using the condition function on the current element, num.

  • Once the result is computed, append it to the condition function and multiply the current element, num, before adding the result to the multiplied_values list.

  • The values list is returned as the output after iterating via each of the elements.


def selective_values_multiplied(numbers, condition):
    Values = [num * condition(num) for num in numbers]
    return Values

# Example usage
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
condition = lambda x: x if x % 2 == 0 else 1
result = selective_values_multiplied(numbers, condition)


[1, 4, 3, 16, 5]

Approach-2: Utilize the for loop

In the second approach, loop is utilized to multiply certain values in Python by traversing through each element via loop, and multiple the values based on predefined criteria. The conditions as well as the procedures that are applied to the elements can be more flexible with this method. An example of this approach in code is shown here:


The algorithm to multiply selective values in Python is given below −

  • Build selected_values_multiplied() function that takes two inputs: numbers (a list of integers), as well as a condition (a function that specifies the prerequisites for selected multiplication).

  • To hold the multiplied values, build an empty list called Answer.

  • The process for each num as the list of numbers is carried again

  • The multiplication factor can be ascertained by using the condition function on the current element, num.

  • The computer result is generated then it is appended to the condition function as in the current element, num.

  • The multiplied value is appended to the list of multiplied values.

  • The Answer is returned as the output after iterating via each of the elements.


#A function is created that carries two arguments number and the condition
def selective_values_multiplied(numbers, condition):
    Answer = []
    for num in numbers:
        Answer.append(condition(num) * num)
    return Answer

# Example usage
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
condition = lambda x: x if x % 2 == 0 else 1
result = selective_values_multiplied(numbers, condition)


[1, 4, 3, 16, 5]


Python supports a variety of ways of multiplying numbers. List comprehension and looping were the two strategies we examined in this article. List comprehension is excellent in situations when selective multiplication is required since it offers a simple and elegant method for simultaneously filtering and changing components. A loop, on the other hand, provides more flexibility about the circumstances and actions conducted concerning the constituents.

Updated on: 05-Sep-2023


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