Python - Minimum value pairing for dictionary keys

The given problem statement is to find the minimum value pairing for the dictionary keys with the help of Python programming language. So we will use basic functionalities of Python to get the desired result.

Understanding the logic for the Problem

The problem at hand is to find the minimum values for the pairing dictionary keys. In simple words we can say that we will be having a dictionary as an input and we have to find and show the keys of those values which is the minimum in the given dictionary. For example let’s say we have a dictionary as

dictionary = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5}
Output = ['a’]


  • Step 1 − As we have to find the minimum value pairing for dictionary keys so we will create a function called minimum_value_keys and then this function will accepts the parameter of dictionary as dictnry.

  • Step 2 − After declaring the function we will find out the minimum value within the given dictionary using the min function and store this value in min_item_value.

  • Step 3 − Since we have the minimal value as min_item_value, our next target is to find the key for that specific value. So for getting the key for that item we will use the condition, if the current value is similar and equal to the min_item_value then we will return the key for that value as min_value_key.


def minimum_value_keys(dictnry):
   # Find the minimum value from the dictionary
   min_item_value = min(dictnry.values())  
   #Find the keys for the minimum value
   min_value_keys = [key for key, value in dictnry.items() if value == min_item_value]  
   return min_value_keys
#testing the function
my_dictnry = {'I': 4, 'am': 3, 'a': 5, 'Software': 2, 'Engineer': 2}
min_keys = minimum_value_keys(my_dictnry)


['Software', 'Engineer']


The time complexity for finding the minimum value pairing for dictionary keys is O(n), here n is the number of key-value pairs in the given dictionary. The reason for this complexity is that we have iterated the whole dictionary once to get the minimum value.


So we have successfully implemented the code for finding the minimum value pairing keys in the given dictionary with the help of Python. As we have performed two tasks to get the required result. First we found the smallest value in the dictionary and second we have found the key for that particular value.

Updated on: 17-Oct-2023


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