Python - Minimum K Records for Nth Index in Tuple List


Python may be a flexible and prevalent programming dialect known for its effortlessness and meaningfulness. When working with tuple lists, we frequently experience circumstances where we got to discover the least K records based on the esteem at the Nth record. This assignment can be productively finished utilizing Python's built−in capacities and list comprehensions. By leveraging methods such as sorting, cutting, and list comprehension, we will extricate the K littlest records from the tuple list based on the Nth list esteem. Python's adaptability and effective highlights make it a great choice for dealing with such information control assignments with ease and conciseness.

Minimum K Records of Nth Index in Tuple List

  • Simplicity and Lucidness: Python is celebrated for its clean and discernable sentence structure, making it less requesting to induce it and keep up the code. The brief nature of Python licenses for beneficial utilization of calculations, diminishing the complexity of removing the slightest K records.

  • Well−off Natural framework: Python brags a perpetual environment of libraries and bundles, giving compelling devices for data control. Distinctive libraries, such as heapq and sorting capacities, can be utilized to streamline the strategy of removing the slightest records from a tuple list, saving advancement time and effort.

  • Versatility: Python offers distinctive approaches and strategies to unwind an issue. Engineers can select from distinctive methodologies like sorting and cutting, heapq module, or list comprehension based on their specific necessities. This versatility enables customization and alteration to assorted scenarios.

  • Capability: Python's built-in capacities and libraries are significantly optimized, ensuring capable execution of operations. The heapq module, for case, gives heap−based operations, allowing for capable recuperation of the slightest K records. These optimized utilizations contribute to moving forward execution and reduced execution time.

  • Code Reusability: Python propels code reusability through capacities and modules. Once you've got actualized a work or calculation to extract the slightest K records, you will be able easily to reuse it completely diverse wanders or parts of your codebase. This saves time and effort by murdering the requirement for monotonous code.

Approach 1: Sorting and Slicing


Step 1: Initialize the tuple list and characterize the values of K and N.

Step 2: Sort the tuple list based on the Nth file utilizing the sorted() work and a lambda work as the key.

Step 3: Cut the sorted tuple list from the starting to the Kth component to get the least K records.

Step 4: Return the cut list as the yield.


def extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N):
    sorted_list = sorted(tuple_list, key=lambda x: x[N])
    result = sorted_list[:K]
    return result

tuple_list = [('apple', 5), ('banana', 2), ('cherry', 9), ('durian', 4), ('elderberry', 1)]
K = 3
N = 1
print(extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N))


[('elderberry', 1), ('banana', 2), ('durian', 4)]

Approach 2: Heapq Module


Step 1 :Consequence the heapq module, which gives heap−based operations.

Step 2 :Initialize an empty list.

Step 3 :Repeat through the tuple list and fetch the Nth record values onto the load.

Step 4 :Pop the smallest Nth record esteem K times from the load.

Step 5 :Construct an unused list by sifting the tuple list based on the popped values.

Step 6 :Return the sifted list as the yield.


import heapq

def extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N):
    heap = []
    for item in tuple_list:
        heapq.heappush(heap, item[N])
    result = [item for item in tuple_list if item[N] in heapq.nsmallest(K, heap)]
    return result

tuple_list = [('apple', 5), ('banana', 2), ('cherry', 9), ('durian', 4), ('elderberry', 1)]
K = 3
N = 1
print(extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N))


[('banana', 2), ('durian', 4), ('elderberry', 1)]

Approach 3: List Comprehension and Sorting


Step 1 :Initialize a purge list to store the Nth record values.

Step 2 :Repeat through the tuple list and add the Nth list values to the list.

Step 3 :Sort the list of Nth record values.

Step 4 :Emphasize through the tuple list once more and channel it based on the Nth record values up to the Kth component.

Step 5 :Return the sifted list as the yield.


def extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N):
    nth_values = [item[N] for item in tuple_list]
    result = [item for item in tuple_list if item[N] in nth_values[:K]]
    return result

tuple_list = [('apple', 5), ('banana', 2), ('cherry', 9), ('durian', 4), ('elderberry', 1)]
K = 3
N = 1
print(extract_minimum_records(tuple_list, K, N))


[('banana', 2), ('durian', 4), ('elderberry', 1)]


In this article, we investigated three distinctive approaches to extricate the least K records from a tuple list based on the Nth file esteem in Python. We talked about sorting and cutting, utilizing the heapq module, and utilizing list comprehension and sorting. Python's flexibility and broad library biological system make it a perfect choice for effective and brief information control assignments. By leveraging these approaches, you'll be able effortlessly to extricate the required records and streamline your information−preparing workflow.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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