Python - Group Tuples by Kth Index Element

In Python, we can group tuples by kth index element using several methods like using a dictionary, leveraging the groupby() function from itertools, and utilizing the defaultdict from the collection module. Grouping tuples by the kth index is useful when analyzing data and data manipulation. In this article, we will explore different methods to group tuples by their kth index element, using various techniques, and demonstrate their implementation.

Method 1: Using a Dictionary

One straightforward approach to group tuples is by using a dictionary. The idea is to iterate through the list of tuples and use the kth index element as the key in the dictionary. The value associated with each key will be a list containing the tuples that have the same kth index element.



Here, the append() function is used to add an element at the end of the list. It takes the element which is to be added to the end of the list.


In the below example, we have a list of tuples where each tuple consists of a fruit name and a corresponding quantity. We want to group these tuples by the fruit name, which is the 0th index element. By calling the group_tuples_by_kth_index function with the list and k=0, we obtain a dictionary where the keys are the unique fruit names, and the values are lists containing tuples with the same fruit name.

def group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples, k):
    groups = {}
    for t in tuples:
        key = t[k]
        if key not in groups:
            groups[key] = []
    return groups

# Example usage
tuples_list = [('apple', 10), ('banana', 20), ('apple', 15), ('banana', 25), ('cherry', 30)]
k = 0

result = group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples_list, k)



{'apple': [('apple', 10), ('apple', 15)], 'banana': [('banana', 20), ('banana', 25)], 'cherry': [('cherry', 30)]}

Method 2: Using itertools.groupby()

The itertools module in Python provides a useful function called groupby(), which can be used to group elements in an iterable based on a specific criterion. To use it for grouping tuples, we need to sort the list of tuples based on the kth index element before passing it to groupby().



Here, the append() function is a list method used to add an element to the end of the list_name. It modifies the original list by adding the specified element as a new item.

itertools.groupby(iterable, key=None)

Here, the return type is an iterator that produces tuples containing consecutive keys and groups. Each tuple consists of a key and an iterator over the elements in the corresponding group.


In the below example, we import the groupby function from the itertools module. The group_tuples_by_kth_index function first sorts the tuples based on the kth index element using the sorted() function with a lambda function as the key. Then, using groupby(), we group the sorted tuples based on the same kth index element. Finally, we convert the grouped elements into a dictionary, where the keys are the unique kth index elements, and the values are the lists of tuples.

from itertools import groupby

def group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples, k):
    sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: x[k])
    groups = {key: list(group) for key, group in groupby(sorted_tuples, key=lambda x: x[k])}
    return groups

# Example usage
tuples_list = [('apple', 10), ('banana', 20), ('apple', 15), ('banana', 25), ('cherry', 30)]
k = 0

result = group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples_list, k)



{'apple': [('apple', 10), ('apple', 15)], 'banana': [('banana', 20), ('banana', 25)], 'cherry': [('cherry', 30)]}

Method 3: Using defaultdict

The defaultdict class from the collections module is another useful tool for grouping tuples. It automatically creates a new list for each key when accessing a non−existing key, eliminating the need for explicit checks.


groups = defaultdict(list)

Here, the defaultdict() function from the collections module creates a defaultdict object called groups which contains an empty list intially. The groups[item].append(item) uses the key (item) to access the list associated with that key in the groups dictionary and appends the item to the list.


In the below example, we import defaultdict from the collections module. We initialize a defaultdict with the list type, which ensures that any non−existing key will automatically create an empty list as the value. By iterating through the tuples and appending them to the corresponding key, we achieve the desired grouping.

from collections import defaultdict

def group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples, k):
    groups = defaultdict(list)
    for t in tuples:
    return groups

# Example usage
tuples_list = [('apple', 10), ('banana', 20), ('apple', 15), ('banana', 25), ('cherry', 30)]
k = 0

result = group_tuples_by_kth_index(tuples_list, k)



defaultdict(, {'apple': [('apple', 10), ('apple', 15)], 'banana': [('banana', 20), ('banana', 25)], 'cherry': [('cherry', 30)]})


In this article, we discussed how we can group tuples by kth index element using Python methods. We explored three different approaches: using a dictionary, leveraging the groupby() function from itertools, and utilizing a defaultdict from the collections module. Each method offers its own advantages, and the choice depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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