Python - Group single item dictionaries into List values

Grouping single−item dictionaries into list values can be useful for data aggregation or reformatting. In Python, we can perform this task using various methods like using a loop, using a list comprehension, using the map() function, and using the operator.itemgetter() function. In this article, we will explore different methods to group single−item dictionaries into list values.

Method 1: Using a Loop

A straightforward approach is to iterate through the single−item dictionaries and append their values to a list. Let’s implement this loop with the help of an example.



Here, the append() function is a list method used to add an element to the end of the list_name. It modifies the original list by adding the specified element as a new item.


In the below example, we create an empty list called result. We then iterate through each dictionary in the single_item_dicts list. By using the values() method, we obtain a dictionary's values as a list−like object. Since each dictionary contains only one item, we can extract the value using indexing [0]. Finally, we append the extracted value to the result list. The output shows the desired list of values.

single_item_dicts = [{'fruit': 'apple'}, {'color': 'red'}, {'animal': 'lion'}]

result = []
for dictionary in single_item_dicts:



['apple', 'red', 'lion']

Method 2: Using List Comprehension

We can use list comprehension to group the single−item dictionary into list values. Let’s understand this list comprehension method with the help of an example.


[expression for item in list if condition]

Here, the expression iterates over each item in the list and filter the element based on the if condition present at the end of the expression.


In the below example, List comprehension allows us to generate a new list in a single line. In this case, we use the same logic as the previous method within the square brackets. The resulting list comprehension produces the desired list of values.

single_item_dicts = [{'fruit': 'apple'}, {'color': 'red'}, {'animal': 'lion'}]

result = [list(dictionary.values())[0] for dictionary in single_item_dicts]



['apple', 'red', 'lion']

Method 3: Using the map() Function

We can also use the map() function along with the lambda function to extract the values from the dictionaries. Let’s implement this map() function with the help of an example.


map(function, iterable)

Here, the map() function takes two arguments: function and iterable. It applies the function to each element of the iterable and returns an iterator that yields the results. In the context of grouping single−item dictionaries into list values, the function can be a lambda function or a predefined function that extracts the desired value from each dictionary.


In the below example, we use the map() function to apply the lambda function to each dictionary in the single_item_dicts list. The lambda function takes a dictionary as an input, extracts its value using the same logic as before, and returns it. We wrap the result in a list() call to obtain a list of values.

single_item_dicts = [{'fruit': 'apple'}, {'color': 'red'}, {'animal': 'lion'}]

result = list(map(lambda dictionary: list(dictionary.values())[0], single_item_dicts))



['apple', 'red', 'lion']

Method 4: Using the operator.itemgetter() Function

Python's operator module provides a convenient function called itemgetter(). It allows us to extract specific items from dictionaries. We can implement this method on a single−item dictionary as described in the below example.



Here, the itemgetter() function from the operator module creates a callable object that retrieves the specified items from a given object. It can take multiple arguments denoting the indices or keys of the items to be retrieved. In our case, we use itemgetter(0) to extract the first item (value) from each dictionary.


In the below example, we first import the operator module. We then apply the itemgetter(0) function to each dictionary's values, which returns the first item (value) from each dictionary. Similar to the previous method, we use the map() function to iterate through the single_item_dicts list and extract the values. Finally, we convert the resulting map object into a list.

import operator

single_item_dicts = [{'fruit': 'apple'}, {'color': 'red'}, {'animal': 'lion'}]

result = list(map(operator.itemgetter(0), map(dict.values, single_item_dicts)))



['apple', 'red', 'lion']


In this article, we discussed how we can group single−item dictionaries into list values using different Python methods. e covered four methods: using a loop, list comprehension, the map() function, and the operator.itemgetter() function. Each method showcased a distinct way to achieve the desired result. Any of the above methods can be used depending on the type of problem you are solving.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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