Python - Get the object with the max attribute value in a list of objects

In Python, we can get the object with a max attribute value in a list of objects using the max() function with a lambda function, using the operator module, using a custom comparison function, etc. In this article, we will explore different methods that can be used to get the objects with the max attribute value.


To get the object with the maximum attribute value in a list of objects, you can follow this common algorithm:

  • Initialize a variable, let's call it max_object, to None initially.

  • Iterate over each object in the list.

  • For each object, compare its attribute value with the attribute value of max_object.

  • If the attribute value is greater than the attribute value of max_object, update max_object with the current object.

  • After iterating through all objects, max_object will contain the object with the maximum attribute value.

  • Return max_object as the result.

Method 1: Using max() function with lambda function

This method utilizes the built−in max() function in Python along with a lambda function to specify the attribute to be compared.


max_object = max(object_list, key=lambda x: x.attribute)

Here, the max() function is used to find the maximum object in object_list based on a specific attribute. The key parameter is set to a lambda function, which specifies the attribute (x.attribute) to be used for comparison. The lambda function is applied to each object in the list, allowing the max() function to determine the maximum object based on the provided attribute.


In the below example, we define a Person class with name and age attributes. We create a list of Person objects called person_list. By using the max() function and providing the key parameter as a lambda function that returns the age attribute of each Person object, we can find the person with the highest age.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

person_list = [
    Person("Alice", 25),
    Person("Bob", 30),
    Person("Charlie", 40)

max_person = max(person_list, key=lambda x: x.age)
print(, max_person.age)


The max_person variable will contain the Person object with the highest age, in this case, Person("Charlie", 40).

Charlie 40

Method 2: Using the operator module

The operator module in Python provides a set of efficient functions that perform common operations on objects. We can utilize the attrgetter() function from this module to get the object with max attribute value in a list of object.


max_object = max(object_list, key=attrgetter('attribute'))

Here, the max() functionis used along with the attrgetter() function from the operator module to find the maximum object in object_list based on the attribute specified by 'attribute'. The attrgetter() function retrieves the value of the specified attribute for each object, enabling the max() function to determine the maximum object based on that attribute.


In the below example, we import the attrgetter() function from the operator module. By providing the key parameter as attrgetter('age'), we instruct the max() function to compare the age attribute of each Person object in the list.

from operator import attrgetter

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

person_list = [
    Person("Alice", 25),
    Person("Bob", 30),
    Person("Charlie", 40)

max_person = max(person_list, key=attrgetter('age'))
print(, max_person.age)


Charlie 40

Method 3: Using custom comparison function

If the attribute we want to compare requires complex logic or custom comparison, we can define a separate function to compare the objects.


max_object = max(object_list, key=compare_func)

Here,the max_object = max(object_list, key=compare_func) defines a custom comparison function compare_func that takes an object as input and implements custom logic for comparison. The max() function uses this compare_func as the key to determine the maximum object in object_list based on the value returned by compare_func.\


In the below example, we define a Product class with name and price attributes. We create a list of Product objects called product_list. We define a custom comparison function, compare_func, that compares the price attribute of each Product object but returns negative infinity (float('-inf')) for products with a price less than 1000

class Product:
    def __init__(self, name, price): = name
        self.price = price

product_list = [
    Product("Phone", 1000),
    Product("Laptop", 2000),
    Product("Headphones", 500)

def compare_func(product):
    if product.price >= 1000:
        return product.price
        return float('-inf')  # Ignore products with price less than 1000

max_product = max(product_list, key=compare_func)
print(, max_product.price)


Laptop 2000


In this article we discussed how we can get the object with max value in a list using various methods like using the max() function with a lambda function, utilizing the operator module, and defining a custom comparison function. Each method is flexible and can be easily used depending on the problem in hand.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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