Python - Convert given list into nested list

There may be a situation when we need to convert the elements in the list into a list in itself. In other words, create a list which is nested as its elements are also lists.

Using iteration

This is the novel approach in which we take each element of the list and convert it to a format of lists. We use temporary list to achieve this. Finally all these elements which are converted to lists are group together to create the required list of lists.


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listA = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri']

print("Given list:\n",listA)
new_list = []

# Creating list of list format
for elem in listA:
   temp = elem.split(', ')

# Final list
res = []

for elem in new_list:
   temp = []
   for e in elem:

# printing
print("The list of lists:\n",res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given list:
   ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri']
The list of lists:
   [['Mon'], ['Tue'], ['Wed'], ['Thu'], ['Fri']]

With ast

We can also use the python module names abstract syntax trees or called ast. It has a function named literal_eval which will keep the elements of the given list together and convert it to a new list.


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import ast
listA = ['"Mon","Tue"','"Wed","Thu","Fri"']
print("Given list: \n", listA)
res = [list(ast.literal_eval(x)) for x in listA]

# New List
print("The list of lists:\n",res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given list:
   ['"Mon","Tue"', '"Wed","Thu","Fri"']
The list of lists:
   [['Mon', 'Tue'], ['Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri']]

Updated on: 22-Jul-2020


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