Python - Convert flattened dictionary into nested dictionary

Python dictionaries have keys and values. If we have two or more dictionaries to be merged a nested dictionary, then we can take the below approaches. Here year the dictionaries are given along with the new keys that will become a key in the nested dictionary.

Assigning keys

In this approach we will create a new empty dictionary. Then assigned the given dictionaries to each new key. The resulting dictionary will be a nested dictionary with the keys assigned.


dictA = {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}
dictB = {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}

# Given Dictionaries
print("DictA : ",dictA)
print("DictB: ",dictB)

# Using key access and dict()
res = dict()
res['Netsed_dict_1'] = dictA
res['Netsed_dict_2'] = dictB

# printing result
print("Netsed Dictionary: \n" ,res)

Running the above code gives us the following result −


DictA : {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}
DictB: {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}
Netsed Dictionary:
{'Netsed_dict_1': {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}, 'Netsed_dict_2': {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}}

Using zip

The Jeep function can convert keys and dictionaries into to a Tuple. Then we apply the dict function to get the final result which is a dictionary containing the new keys as well as the input dictionaries.


dictA = {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}
dictB = {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}

# Given Dictionaries
print("DictA : ",dictA)
print("DictB: ",dictB)

# Using zip
dict_keys = ['Netsed_dict_1','Netsed_dict_2']
all_dicts = [dictA,dictB]
res = dict(zip(dict_keys,all_dicts))
# printing result
print("Netsed Dictionary: \n" ,res)

Running the above code gives us the following result −


DictA : {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}
DictB: {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}
Netsed Dictionary:
{'Netsed_dict_1': {'Sun': 1, 'Mon': 2}, 'Netsed_dict_2': {'Tue': 3, 'Sun': 5}}

Updated on: 28-Dec-2020


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