Python – Check alternate peak elements in List

When it is required to check the alternate peak elements in a list, a function is defined that iterates through the list, the adjacent elements of the array are compared and depending on this, the output is displayed on the console.


Below is a demonstration of the same

def find_peak(my_array, array_length) :

   if (array_length == 1) :
      return 0
   if (my_array[0] >= my_array[1]) :
      return 0
   if (my_array[array_length - 1] >= my_array[array_length - 2]) :
      return array_length - 1

   for i in range(1, array_length - 1) :
if (my_array[i] >= my_array[i - 1] and my_array[i] >= my_array[i + 1]) :
      return i

my_list = [ 1, 3, 20, 4, 1, 0 ]
list_length = len(my_list)

print("The list is :")

print("The result is")
print(find_peak(my_array, array_length))


The list is :
[1, 3, 20, 4, 1, 0]
The result is


  • A method named ‘find_peak’ is defined that takes the list and its length as parameters.

  • It checks the length of the list and returns result depending on that.

  • The adjacent elements of the list are compared and final result is returned.

  • Outside the method, a list is defined, and is displayed on the console.

  • The length of the list is assigned to a variable.

  • The method is called by passing the required parameter.

  • The result is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 16-Sep-2021


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