Prosecutor: Definition and Meaning

This is the fundamental description of a prosecutor's job, but the actual work varies from nation to nation depending on whether the adversarial common law system or the inquisitorial system is used. In some nations, the prosecutor's role encompasses the entirety of the investigation process, including getting involved in the police investigation, gathering evidence, etc.

In other nations, there is no interference, but it is still ensured that the accused's rights are upheld and that everything proceeds in accordance with established procedures.

Who is a Prosecutor?

A prosecutor is known as the state's agent, and he assists the judges in ensuring that justice is delivered to the general public in the proper manner. He is chosen by a government authority, which could be at the central, state, or even local level. Different nations have different divisions like this. But their only responsibility is to ensure that the accused receives justice in a fair manner. Everyone must be heard in order to uphold the Latin maxim Audi alteram partem.

The presumption of innocence is a universal right that is even specified in Article 11 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights if the victim has the right to be heard. If the accused is given the opportunity to show his innocence, then both parties must be given this opportunity. According to the jurisprudence of societal security, the state believes that anytime a criminal case is filed, the offense is also against the state. As a result, the prosecutor makes sure that the law is followed when an investigation and trial are conducted on behalf of the state.

Prosecutor's Role in the Criminal Justice System

To administer reasonable and equitable justice. Prosecutors have already been seen in action, so let's summarize their significance for these three Ps −

  • pursue offenders who violate the law by conducting impartial investigations and trials.

  • Create awareness, participate in public debates, provide executionary bodies with advice, etc. to stop crimes before they start.

  • Protect the victims of crime, whether they be an individual, a society, or a community, and make sure that everyone is given the opportunity to be heard.

Prosecutors in the Indian Criminal Justice System

In the Indian Criminal Justice System, the police have the investigative power, and during the trial phase, judges and attorneys are also involved. However, everything is done under the magistrate's direction. Everything that needs to be done with a magistrate's approval, including asking for authorization to make an arrest, explaining why, conducting an investigation, and holding a trial. Next is the function of a prosecutor in India known as a public prosecutor, which is described in Section 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code and will be covered in more detail later.

He represents the state in these criminal procedures as a state-appointed representative. When a case in India requires prosecution, the magistrate decides whether to do so based on the police report that was provided, and the prosecutor is then chosen. The prosecutor is chosen to represent either the state or the federal government in any criminal case.


Every institution must uphold human rights, and that is the prosecutor's only goal. so that there is no unfairness, arbitrary decision-making, or ambiguity. Although there are public defenders in every nation, their methods of operation and the authority bestowed upon them differ greatly. Each system has its flaws, but if they maintain the public interest and serve the prosecutor's intended purpose, society may undoubtedly be made a safer place.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the CrPC Section 301 mean?

The Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a case may appear and enter a plea before any Court where the case is being investigated, tried, or appealed without obtaining written permission.

What a prosecutor is in a simple language?

A public prosecutor is defined as a person appointed in accordance with Section 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The central government and the state governments may designate public prosecutors for their respective jurisdictions under Section 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code. In other words, a prosecutor is a lawyer employed by a state or government agency who is in charge of initiating legal action and establishing in court that the defendant committed the alleged crime.

What is the role of a prosecutor in the Indian judicial system?

The prosecutor in the Indian judicial system is responsible for presenting the case against the accused in a court of law. They represent the state and work to prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt.

What qualifications are required to become a prosecutor in India?

To become a prosecutor in India, one generally needs to be a law graduate and be enrolled as an advocate with a State Bar Council. Additional experience and knowledge in criminal law and court procedures are beneficial.

What are the key responsibilities of a prosecutor in India?

Prosecutors in India have several responsibilities, including drafting charges, examining witnesses, presenting evidence, cross-examining defense witnesses, making legal arguments, and ensuring a fair trial process.

Can a prosecutor be involved in both civil and criminal cases in India?

Typically, prosecutors in India are primarily involved in criminal cases, where the state is the party bringing charges against an accused. Civil cases, on the other hand, usually involve private parties rather than state prosecutors.

How does a prosecutor gather evidence in India?

Prosecutors gather evidence through various means, including police investigations, statements from witnesses, forensic reports, documentary evidence, and expert opinions. They evaluate this evidence to build a strong case against the accused.

What is the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' in the context of Indian prosecution?

The principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' is a fundamental aspect of the Indian legal system. It means that the burden of proving the guilt of the accused lies on the prosecution, and the accused is presumed innocent until the prosecution can establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

What is the relationship between the police and prosecutors in India?

In India, the police are responsible for investigating criminal cases and collecting evidence. Once the investigation is complete, the prosecutor evaluates the evidence provided by the police and decides whether to proceed with filing charges and presenting the case in court.

How does the prosecutor contribute to ensuring a fair trial in India?

The prosecutor's role in ensuring a fair trial includes presenting evidence truthfully, adhering to legal procedures, not suppressing exculpatory evidence, and making arguments based on law and facts. A fair trial is essential to uphold the principles of justice.

What options does a prosecutor have if they believe the accused is innocent?

If a prosecutor believes that the accused is innocent or there isn't sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, they may choose to not pursue the case or seek acquittal during the trial.

Can a prosecutor appeal a verdict in India?

Yes, prosecutors in India can appeal a verdict if they believe that legal errors were made during the trial or if there is strong evidence to suggest that the verdict was not based on the facts or the law. The appeal process varies depending on the court hierarchy.

Updated on: 16-Oct-2023


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