Program to Find Out the Occurrence of a Digit from a Given Range in Python

Suppose we have been provided with two positive integers n and d where d is a digit within 0 to 9. We have to determine how many times the digit d appears within the integer numbers between 1 and n.

So, if the input is like n = 45, d = 5, then the output will be 5.

These numbers have the digit 5: [5, 15, 25, 35, 45].

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • Define a function solve(). This will take n and d as inputs.

  • if n < 0, then

    • return 0

  • k := floor of (n /10) − 1

  • ans := solve(k, d) * 10 + k + 1

  • if d is same as 0, then

    • ans := ans − 1

  • m := floor of (n / 10) * 10

  • while m <= n, do

    • ans := ans + count of occurrences of string representation of d in string representation of m.

    • m := m + 1

  • return ans

  • From the main function, now call the function −

  • value := solve(n,d)

  • print(value)

Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −


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class Solution:
   def solve(self, n, d):
      if n < 0:
         return 0
      k = n // 10 − 1
      ans = self.solve(k, d) * 10 + k + 1
      if d == 0:
         ans −= 1
      m = n // 10 * 10
      while m <= n:
         ans += str(m).count(str(d))
         m += 1
      return ans
ob = Solution()


45, 5



Updated on: 15-Dec-2020


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