Program to find out the minimum size of the largest clique in a graph (Python)

Suppose we are given a graph and are asked to find out the minimum size of the largest clique in the graph. A clique of a graph is a subset of a graph where every pair of vertices are adjacent, i.e. there exists an edge between every pair of vertices. Finding the largest clique in a graph is not possible in polynomial time, so given the number of nodes and edges of a small graph we shall have to find out the largest clique in it.

So, if the input is like nodes = 4, edges =4; then the output will be 2.

In the graph above, the maximum size of a clique is 2.

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • Define a function helper() . This will take x, y
    • ga := x mod y
    • gb := y - ga
    • sa := quotient of value of(x / y) + 1
    • sb := quotient of value of(x / y)
    • return ga * gb * sa * sb + ga *(ga - 1) * sa * sa / 2 + gb * (gb - 1) * sb * sb / 2
  • i := 1
  • j := nodes + 1
  • while i + 1 < j, do
    • p := i + floor value of((j - i) / 2)
    • k := helper(nodes, p)
    • if k < edges, then
      • i := p
    • otherwise,
      • j := p
  • return j


Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −

import math
def helper(x, y):
    ga = x % y
    gb = y - ga
    sa = x // y + 1
    sb = x // y
    return ga * gb * sa * sb + ga * (ga - 1) * sa * sa // 2 + gb * (gb - 1) * sb * sb // 2

def solve(nodes, edges):
    i = 1
    j = nodes + 1
    while i + 1 < j:
        p = i + (j - i) // 2
        k = helper(nodes, p)
        if k < edges:
            i = p
            j = p
    return j

print(solve(4, 4))





Updated on: 06-Oct-2021


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