Program to find largest size to truncate logs to store them completely in database in Python

Suppose we have a list of numbers called logs and another value limit. Each element in logs[i] represents the size of logs generated by the i-th user. And limit represents the total size of logs we can store in our database. We have to find the largest x such that if we truncate every log in logs to be at most size x, and the sum of the left log sizes is at most limit. If no log needs to be truncated, then simply return the largest log size.

So, if the input is like logs = [500, 200, 10000, 500, 4000] limit = 3000, then the output will be 900, because we truncate logs to 900, then we can get [500, 200, 900, 500, 900] now the sum is 3000

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • lo := 0
  • hi := 1 + maximum of logs
  • while lo + 1 < hi, do
    • mi := lo + floor of (hi - lo)/2
    • if sum of all elements present in the list with (minimum of mi and log for each log in logs) <= limit, then
      • lo := mi
    • otherwise,
      • hi := mi
  • return lo


Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −

def solve(logs, limit):
   lo, hi = 0, max(logs) + 1
   while lo + 1 < hi:
      mi = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
      if sum(min(mi, log) for log in logs) <= limit:
         lo = mi
         hi = mi
   return lo

logs = [500, 200, 10000, 500, 4000]
limit = 3000
print(solve(logs, limit))


[500, 200, 10000, 500, 4000], 3000



Updated on: 19-Oct-2021


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