Program to express a positive integer number in words in C++

Suppose we are given a positive integer number. We have to spell the number in words; like if a number "56" is given as input the output will be "Fifty-Six". The range of conversion is up to a billion.

So, if the input is like input = 5678, then the output will be Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Eight.

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • Define an array ‘numbers’ that contain pairs such as − {{"Billion", 1000000000},
    • {"Million", 1000000},
    • {"Thousand", 1000},
    • {"Hundred", 100},
    • {"Ninety", 90},
    • {"Eighty", 80},
    • {"Seventy", 70},
    • {"Sixty", 60},
    • {"Fifty", 50},
    • {"Forty", 40},
    • {"Thirty", 30},
    • {"Twenty", 20},
    • {"Nineteen", 19},
    • {"Eighteen", 18},
    • {"Seventeen", 17},
    • {"Sixteen", 16},
    • {"Fifteen", 15},
    • {"Fourteen", 14},
    • {"Thirteen", 13},
    • {"Twelve", 12},
    • {"Eleven", 11},
    • {"Ten", 10},
    • {"Nine", 9},
    • {"Eight", 8},
    • {"Seven", 7},
    • {"Six", 6},
    • {"Five", 5},
    • {"Four", 4},
    • {"Three", 3},
    • {"Two", 2},
    • {"One", 1}}
  • Define a function solve(). This takes input.
    • if input is same as 0, then −
      • return "Zero"
    • for each num in array numbers, do
      • if second value of num <= input, then −
        • if second value of num >= 100, then −
          • result := solve(input / second value of num)
          • if input > (input / second value of num) * second value of m, then −
            • result := result + " " + solve(input - (input / second value of num))
        • otherwise,
          • result := first value of num + ((if input > second value of num , then: " " + solve(input - second value of num), otherwise: " "))
        • Come out from the loop
    • return result
  • solve(input)


Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −


using namespace std;

vector<pair<string, int>> numbers{{"Billion", 1000000000},
   {"Million", 1000000},
   {"Thousand", 1000},
   {"Hundred", 100},
   {"Ninety", 90},
   {"Eighty", 80},
   {"Seventy", 70},
   {"Sixty", 60},
   {"Fifty", 50},
   {"Forty", 40},
   {"Thirty", 30},
   {"Twenty", 20},
   {"Nineteen", 19},
   {"Eighteen", 18},
   {"Seventeen", 17},
   {"Sixteen", 16},
   {"Fifteen", 15},
   {"Fourteen", 14},
   {"Thirteen", 13},
   {"Twelve", 12},
   {"Eleven", 11},
   {"Ten", 10},
   {"Nine", 9},
   {"Eight", 8},
   {"Seven", 7},
   {"Six", 6},
   {"Five", 5},
   {"Four", 4},
   {"Three", 3},
   {"Two", 2},
   {"One", 1}};
string solve(int input) {
   if (input == 0) return "Zero";
   string result;
   for (auto& num : numbers) {
      if (num.second <= input) {
         if (num.second >= 100) {
            result = solve(input / num.second) + " " + num.first;
            if (input > (input / num.second) * num.second)
               result += " " + solve(input - (input / num.second) * num.second);
         } else {
            result = num.first + (input > num.second ? " " + solve(input - num.second) : "");
   return result;

int main() {
   cout<< solve(5678) <<endl;
   return 0;




Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Eight

Updated on: 19-Oct-2021


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