Program to compare m^n and n^m

The problem statement states that we need to write a program to compare m^n and n^m. We need to figure out the algorithm to calculate $m^{n}$ and $n^{m}$ and compare them and print accordingly if $m^{n}$ is greater than $n^{m}$, or if $m^{n}$ is less than $n^{m}$ , or if they both are equal. We will be given two positive numbers, m and n and we need to find out $m^{n}$ and $n^{m}$ and compare both the values.

For example,

INPUT : m=2 , n=5

OUTPUT : m^n is greater than n^m.

Explanation : $m^{n}$ which is 25 = 32 and $n^{m}$ which is 52 = 25. Since 32 is greater than 25, we will print m^n is greater than n^m.

INPUT : m=6 , n=4

OUTPUT : n^m is greater than m^n.

Explanation : $m^{n}$ is 64 which is equal to 1296 and $n^{m}$ is 46 which is equal to 4096. Since 4096 is greater than 1296, we will print n^m is greater than m^n.


The basic approach that comes to mind after seeing the problem or the naive approach to the problem is calculating the values of $m^{n}$ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ $n^{m}$. After calculating the values for both then compare them using the if statement and print accordingly. We can calculate the values of $m^{n}$ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ $n^{m}$ using the pow function in C++.


int value= pow(m,n)

The first value passed in the function represents the base and the second value passed represents the power. But this approach can only be used for the smaller values of m and n since calculating values of $m^{n}$ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ $n^{m}$ will cause overflow in int data type for larger values of m and n.

So, the efficient approach to the problem can be using a log function. Let’s explain the approach with an example. For comparing the values of $m^{n}$ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ $n^{m}$, We can use logs on both sides. It can be expressed as βˆ’


According to the laws of logarithmic function, this can be further written as


Now calculating these values and then comparing both the values will give us our required output. In C++, there is a built-in function called log which returns the natural log of any value passed through it. The natural log of any value is the logarithmic value with base e of the number.


double ans= log(a)

It returns the natural log of a.

Below is the approach to solve the problem using this algorithm.


The steps that we are going to follow in this approach are βˆ’

  • Initialize a function where we will calculate and compare both the values.

  • Declare two variables.

  • Store the calculated values in the declared values.

  • Compare the values. If $m^{n}$ is greater than $n^{m}$, then print m^n is greater than n^m. Else if $n^{m}$ is greater than $m^{n}$ then print n^m is greater than m^n or if they are equal then print m^n is equal to n^m.


The implementation of the approach in C++ βˆ’

#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

//function to calculate and compare both the values
void compare(int m, int n){
   double m_n,n_m; //variables to store the calculated value
   m_n= n * (double)log(m); //type casting value of log into double to store decimal values since m is int data type
   n_m= m * (double)log(n);
   //comparing values using conditional statements and printing accordingly
      cout<<"m^n is greater than n^m"<<endl;
   else if(m_n<n_m){
      cout<<"n^m is greater than m^n"<<endl;
      cout<<"m^n is equal to n^m"<<endl;
int main(){
   int m=543,n=248;
   return 0;


n^m is greater than m^n
m^n is greater than n^m

Time Complexity : O(1), constant time is taken.

Space Complexity : O(1), since no extra space is taken.


We discussed the approach to solve the problem to compare m^n and n^m. We use the log function in C++ to compare the values of m^n and n^m and print the answer accordingly.

I hope you find this article helpful and have cleared all your doubts regarding the problem and approach to solve the problem.

Updated on: 16-Mar-2023


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