Program to calculate value of nCr in C++

Given with n C r, where C represents combination, n represents total numbers and r represents selection from the set, the task is to calculate the value of nCr.

Combination is the selection of data from the given in a without the concern of arrangement. Permutation and combination differs in the sense that permutation is the process of arranging whereas combination is the process of selection of elements from the given set.

Formula for permutation is -:

nPr = (n!)/(r!*(n-r)!)


Input-: n=12 r=4
Output-: value of 12c4 is :495


Step 1 -> Declare function for calculating factorial
   int cal_n(int n)
   int temp = 1
   Loop for int i = 2 and i <= n and i++
      Set temp = temp * i
   return temp
step 2 -> declare function to calculate ncr
   int nCr(int n, int r)
      return cal_n(n) / (cal_n(r) * cal_n(n - r))
step 3 -> In main()
   declare variable as int n = 12, r = 4
   print nCr(n, r)


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//it will calculate factorial for n
int cal_n(int n){
   int temp = 1;
   for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
      temp = temp * i;
   return temp;
//function to calculate ncr
int nCr(int n, int r){
   return cal_n(n) / (cal_n(r) * cal_n(n - r));
int main(){
   int n = 12, r = 4;
   cout <<"value of "<<n<<"c"<<r<<" is :"<<nCr(n, r);
   return 0;


value of 12c4 is :495

Updated on: 23-Sep-2019

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