Program to add two binary strings in C++

Given two strings with binary number, we have to find the result obtained by adding those two binary strings and return the result as a binary string.

Binary numbers are those numbers which are expressed either as 0 or 1. While adding 2 binary numbers there is binary addition rule which is to be taken care of.

0+0 → 0
0+1 → 1
1+0 → 1
1+1 → 0, carry 1


str1 = {“11”}, str2 = {“1”}




str1 = {“110”}, str2 = {“1”}



Approach used below is as follows to solve the problem

  • Traverse both the string from last

  • Add the binary of two numbers

  • If there are two 1’s then make it zero and carry 1.

  • Return the result.


Step 1→ declare function to add two strings
   string add(string a, string b)
      set string result = ""
      set int temp = 0
      set int size_a = a.size() – 1
      set int size_b = b.size() – 1
      While (size_a >= 0 || size_b >= 0 || temp == 1)
         Set temp += ((size_a >= 0)? a[size_a] - '0': 0)
         Set temp += ((size_b >= 0)? b[size_b] - '0': 0)
         Calculate result = char(temp % 2 + '0') + result
         Set temp /= 2
         Set size_a—
         Set size_b—
      return result
Step 2→ In main()
   Declare string a = "10101", b="11100"
   Call add(a, b)


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using namespace std;
//function to add two strings
string add(string a, string b){
   string result = "";
   int temp = 0;
   int size_a = a.size() - 1;
   int size_b = b.size() - 1;
   while (size_a >= 0 || size_b >= 0 || temp == 1){
      temp += ((size_a >= 0)? a[size_a] - '0': 0);
      temp += ((size_b >= 0)? b[size_b] - '0': 0);
      result = char(temp % 2 + '0') + result;
      temp /= 2;
      size_a--; size_b--;
   return result;
int main(){
   string a = "10101", b="11100";
   cout<<"sum of strings are : "<<add(a, b);
   return 0;


If run the above code it will generate the following output −

sum of strings are : 110001

Updated on: 13-Aug-2020

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