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Stefan Klenkoski


Courses (1)





Hello, future coding maestros.

I'm Stefan, a seasoned Computer Science Engineer with over five years of hands-on experience shaping the tech landscape.

Professional Journey: In my journey, I've left my fingerprints on the tech world by contributing to major telecommunications projects and software development at two industry giants. Alongside, I've crafted my own digital symphonies as a web developer, managing side projects that push the boundaries of creativity and functionality.

Team Leadership & Mentorship: As a developer, I not only navigated complex codes but also had the honor of being a team coordinator. Guiding and mentoring younger colleagues and interns was not just a role; it was a passion.

Educational Background: Armed with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering, my expertise spans various IT segments. The diverse projects I've tackled in different domains validate my ability to guide you toward unlocking your full potential.

Why Teach? Now, with the desire to inspire and share knowledge, I'm here to guide a new generation of engineers. My mission is simple: empower students to not just code but to engineer solutions that make a difference.

Join the Journey: Embark on a learning adventure with me! Together, we'll delve into the world of programming, unraveling its intricacies and harnessing its power. Your growth as a coder is not just a goal, it's a commitment. Let's code the future!

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