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Rehan Allahwala


Courses (3)




I started my journey as an entrepreneur by selling software for Commode 64 games when I was 13 years old. Later on I ended up creating over 150 projects in companies around the world that I started in the United States, Singapore, Estonia, and Pakistan

in 2010 I retired from my work and made a mission to end world poverty, starting from my home country Pakistan, and on this path, I ended up learning, learning, and re-learning what I knew and started using my Technological knowledge, Experiences, and processes to reduce world poverty.

Poverty to me is a mindset and it goes away only when we change our mindset, and for this we have to un-learn and re-learn what we know.

Being on this platform serves that purpose of sharing what I know, and allowing YOU to learn what I learned, along with asking questions that you have in you’d mind so I can re-think more and learn and teach what I do not know yet towards this goal.

Most of my courses here are free, though we never really give value to FREE like air, sun and water, but I still choose to keep them free, till one day I change my mind :)

You can google me me to learn more about me if you like, and I hope you will enjoy learning with me here :)

Do not forget to leave a feedback so I can improve my work and my self.

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