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Nikolai Schuler


Courses (2)




Are you thinking about pursuing a career as a Data Analyst or Data Scientist?

Do you ever think that your career could take a leap forward if you would have more knowledge and skills in the world of data?

Perhaps you are even feeling overwhelmed by the number of courses available or by the fact that your life is already too full to concentrate on one more course?

I am Nikolai Schuler, I am a data scientist and BI consultant, and I have been there too...

A few years ago I noticed that the world of data benefits from many new tools and technologies. However, I also realized that it is extremely difficult to get trained in the field: Practical courses with real quality content are rare and are often structured in such a way that they are incompatible with a working life full of other tasks and activities.

While going through hours of research and training, I came up with the idea of creating a course that would offer extremely valuable content but that would be at the same time easy to follow due to its structure.

My goal is to help as many people as possible to pursue their desired career in this new Digital Age by enabling them to upgrade their data analysis skills. I am proud to say that I am heading in the right direction as my courses have already found their audience in over 170 countries and received thousands of positive feedbacks.

I am super excited about equipping you with the skillset to master Data Science and Data Analytics! If you are looking for quality AND approachable training, then jump onboard! I am really looking forward to leveling up your IT skills.

-- German version --

In meiner Arbeit als Data Scientist sehe ich, dass in der heutigen Zeit neue Tools riesige Vorteile bringen und sie nicht mehr wegzudenken sind. Allerdings sehe ich auch, dass es nicht immer leicht ist, sich neben der täglichen Arbeit in diese neuen Tools einzuarbeiten.

Mir selbst ist es auch schwer gefallen Kurse zu finden, die einerseits qualitativ hochwertig und andererseits verständlich und gut strukturiert sind.

Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich dazu entschlossen, selbst strukturierte und praxisorientierte Kurse zu erstellen.

Da ich sowohl für einfache Anwender als auch für Datenspezialisten Einweisungen in Power BI und anderen Tools gebe, bin ich einerseits technischer Spezialist, habe aber andererseits auch ein gutes Gefühl für die, die nicht die reinen Datenspezialisten sind.

Mir zu überlegen, wie man das Wissen wirklich sinnvoll und verständlich vermitteln kann, ist das, was mir dabei Freude macht.

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