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Alison Kimi Kimble


Courses (8)




About me

Hallo, I’m Kimi. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I was born in the UK and have lived in South Africa, Thailand and South Korea. All before coming to land in sunny Australia. I qualified as a Speech and Hearing Pathologist and worked in a large General Hospital as Head of Department. Through my career I have worked with speakers from a wide variety of languages and have enjoyed seeing how other cultures tackle life’s challenges. How to communicate with each other is certainly one of the biggest.

Being an enterprising type at heart, I wanted to build my business skills so went back to university for more study. I completed a post-graduate year in Human Resource Management and worked at executive level in a large retail bank. I managed the development of everything from grade and pay scales to career management systems. All with an impact on thousands of employees.

About 25 years ago, I moved back into the speech training field and founded my own business, ClearSpeak Pty Ltd. This allowed me to pursue my passion for English pronunciation and accent. I had seen firsthand how new migrants with excellent qualifications were passed over in their careers. Why? Because no-one was prepared to tell them that if local speakers can’t understand them clearly, they aren’t going to get the job.

I’ve published a number of academic articles and books over the years. My book Perfect Pronunciation is used to train speech pathologists in the accent field in universities internationally. I pioneered the holistic ClearSpeak Method of accent change and have coached hundreds of pronunciation clients by private tuition. These include radio broadcasters, business leaders, actors and professionals who speak English as their second language.

I hope you’ll join me and the Time-Online Team for your studies. You’re sure to find my professional techniques quite different, so why not give them a try? Learning will be fun.

Alison Kimble BA (Sp&H Th), HDPM, CPSP

Speech Pathologist

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