Process Scheduler: PCBs and Queueing

In the realm of operating systems, process scheduling plays a vital role in achieving efficient task execution. A key aspect of process scheduling is the management of Process Control Blocks (PCBs) and the utilization of various queueing techniques. This article explores the significance of PCBs and queueing in the process scheduler, highlighting their role in optimizing system performance.

Process Control Blocks (PCBs)

Definition and Purpose

The successful operation of an operating system rests on its ability to use the data structure known as a Process Control Block (PCB) effectively. PCBs allow for efficient storage and management of process related information. Providing an essential tool for well functioning systems. Each process in the system has a corresponding PCB that holds crucial details related to its execution, resource requirements, and state. The PCB serves as a central repository of information that the process scheduler utilizes for efficient scheduling and resource allocation.

Key Components of a PCB

A PCB contains various components that capture essential information about a process. These components may include

  • Process ID − A unique identifier assigned to each process.

  • Program Counter − Keeps track of the address of the next instruction to be executed.

  • CPU Registers − Store the values of CPU registers for context switching.

  • Process State − Represents the current state of the process (e.g., running, ready, blocked).

  • Memory Management Information − Tracks the memory allocated to the process.

  • I/O Status − Indicates the I/O devices currently allocated to the process.

  • Accounting Information − Records resource usage, execution time, and other statistical data.

The PCB allows the process scheduler to retrieve and update the necessary information about processes, enabling effective scheduling decisions and resource allocation.

Queueing in Process Scheduling

Definition and Purpose

Queueing techniques are fundamental to the process scheduler, enabling the organization and prioritization of processes waiting to be executed. The scheduler maintains different types of queues to facilitate efficient process execution and resource allocation.

Ready Queue

The ready queue contains processes that are ready to execute but are waiting for the CPU. These processes have been loaded into main memory and are in a state where they can be scheduled for execution. The process scheduler selects processes from the ready queue based on scheduling algorithms and assigns them CPU time for execution.

To operate within an operating system context so that functions mesh seamlessly together requires application of appropriate administration methodologies—data structures like linked lists or priority queues—to create what is known as a ready queue. The order in which processes move through this lineup depends on either their initial entry into it (as received via arrival time) or degree of prioritization assigned through other coding criteria. Ultimately, this allows for selection and execution by the user with consideration given to variables such as capacity constraints and competing concerns tied to load balancing.

Job Queue

The job or long-term scheduler (LTS) operates as an admission queue for processes pending reallocation onto main memory. When you submit your process onto your OS's running program list, it's why we have an LTS present which screens through each submission carefully before timely allotment occurs in what can be identified as "ready" status. This screening process determines among other things like resource allocation and current server load which of these jobs readies first before being placed within others on standby in what is called our LTS.

The job queue helps in managing the overall system load by admitting processes into main memory based on resource availability and system constraints. It ensures that the system remains balanced and avoids overwhelming the CPU and memory with an excessive number of processes.

Device Queue

In addition to the ready and job queues, the process scheduler may manage device queues specific to different I/O devices. Processes that are waiting on specific I/O devices' availability are held within corresponding queues intended for this purpose. Upon making an I/O request, any such process will be placed in this queue tailored to match its specific device needs, and persist there until said resource becomes adequately capable of performing its task.

Device queues help in handling I/O operations efficiently by allowing processes to wait for device availability without occupying the CPU. This mechanism ensures that processes don't waste CPU cycles while waiting for I/O operations to complete.

Scheduling Algorithms and Optimization

Scheduling Algorithms

Various scheduling algorithms determine the order in which processes are selected from the ready queue for execution. Each scheduling algorithm has its advantages and trade-offs, and the choice of algorithm depends on the system's requirements and goals. Some common scheduling algorithms include

  • First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) − Selects the process that arrives first and executes it until completion. FCFS is simple but may lead to poor performance in scenarios where long processes block shorter ones.

  • Shortest Job Next (SJN) − Prioritizes processes based on their burst time, executing the shortest job first. SJN aims to minimize waiting time and improve overall system throughput but may lead to starvation for long processes.

  • Round Robin (RR) − Allocates a fixed time slice to each process in a cyclic manner, ensuring fairness. RR provides equal CPU time to each process and is suitable for time-sharing systems, but it may introduce overhead due to frequent context switches.

Other scheduling algorithms, such as Priority Scheduling, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, and Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling, offer different approaches to process prioritization and resource allocation.

Optimization Goals

The process scheduler aims to optimize several key aspects of system performance, including

  • CPU Utilization − Maximizing CPU usage to enhance overall system efficiency. Efficient process scheduling ensures that the CPU remains engaged in executing processes, minimizing idle time.

  • Throughput − Maximizing the number of processes completed per unit of time. By selecting processes from the ready queue effectively, the process scheduler can achieve a higher rate of process completion.

  • Response Time − Minimizing the time taken from process submission to the start of execution. Fast response time improves system responsiveness and user experience.

  • Fairness − Ensuring fair allocation of CPU time among processes. The process scheduler must distribute CPU time fairly among processes to prevent resource starvation and provide an equitable execution environment.

The selection of scheduling algorithms and optimization goals depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the operating system and the workload it handles.

Interactions with Other System Components

The process scheduler interacts with various components of the operating system to achieve efficient process execution. Some important interactions include

Working in harmony, both managers share responsibilities in managing vital system resources such as main-memory space allocation/de-allocation in an efficient manner within a computing environment that involves multiple running processes at any given time period. When executing certain chosen tasks, one important factor crucially considered for smooth running operation is immediate access to sufficient required space; thus there needs to be an effective means via which communication can transpire directly between the process scheduler and memory manager. In order to effectively manage device availability, and optimize I/O request handling, seamless coordination between the process scheduler and I/O manager across multiple processes come into play. During scheduling decisions, account is taken of several key factors alongside priority status including device queue status associated with individual processes.

Interrupt Handler: The process scheduler interacts with the interrupt handler to handle interrupts and context switches effectively. When an interrupt occurs or a process's time slice expires, the process scheduler cooperates with the interrupt handler to perform context switches between processes.

These interactions enable seamless coordination among different system components, facilitating efficient process execution and resource management.


Efficient process scheduling is crucial for optimizing system performance and resource utilization in operating systems. PCBs serve as repositories of process information, while queueing techniques enable organized execution and resource allocation. By effectively managing PCBs and leveraging queueing mechanisms, the process scheduler enhances multitasking capabilities, system responsiveness, and overall computing experience. The choice of scheduling algorithms and optimization goals depends on the specific requirements of the operating system and the workload it handles. Through effective process scheduling, operating systems can achieve efficient CPU utilization, improved throughput, reduced response times, and fair allocation of resources.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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