Print powers using Anonymous Function in Python?

Here we used anonymous (lambda) function inside the map() built-in function. In Python, anonymous function is defined without name,its defined using lambda keyword.


Step 1: input n
Step 2: input p
Step 3: use anonymous function.
Step 4: display result.

Example Code

#  To display the powers of any number using anonymous function
n = int(input("Enter how many terms want to display??"))
p = int(input("Enter the number want to calculate power ::")) 
# use anonymous function
cal = list(map(lambda i: p ** i, range(n)))
# display the result
print("The total terms is ::>", n)
for j in range(n):
   print(p," raised to power", j, "is", cal[j])


Enter how many terms want to display??10
Enter the number want to calculate power ::3
The total terms is ::> 10
3 raised to power 0 is 1
3 raised to power 1 is 3
3 raised to power 2 is 9
3 raised to power 3 is 27
3 raised to power 4 is 81
3 raised to power 5 is 243
3 raised to power 6 is 729
3 raised to power 7 is 2187
3 raised to power 8 is 6561
3 raised to power 9 is 19683

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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