Print Patterns in PL/SQL


This article simplifies how you can leverage real-world examples, syntaxes and programming techniques in PL/SQL to master printing different types of patterns effectively.

Examples of Pattern Printing in PL/SQL

We'll cover how to create pyramid patterns, diamond patterns, and number patterns with their respective code snippets and syntax.

Going through the present section, you will have a clear understanding of how to implement these patterns in your PL/SQL programs.

Pyramid Pattern

For a comprehensive understanding of pattern printing in PL/SQL, delving into the pyramid pattern is an ideal starting point. Here's how to design a pyramid pattern using PL/SQL −

  • Begin by declaring three variables: n (the number of rows), i (loop counter), and j (loop counter).

  • Set the desired number row value for variable n.

  • Introduce a looping structure using the FOR loop to create rows in your pattern.

  • Within this loop, incorporate another FOR loop. This nested loop will output spaces intended to align stars (*) accordingly.

  • Create another FOR loop within the first to manage star (*) printouts.

  • Inside this second nested loop, print out asterisks (*). The number of asterisks corresponds with the current row number you're on (i).

  • After completing all loops, ensure you input an end statement ";".


   n NUMBER := 5; -- Number of rows
   FOR i IN 1..n LOOP -- Loop for rows
      FOR j IN 1..n-i LOOP -- Loop for spaces
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' ');
      END LOOP;
      FOR k IN 1..2*i-1 LOOP -- Loop for stars
      END LOOP;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; -- Move to next row



Diamond Pattern

Getting a grip on how to print patterns in PL/SQL is a big step forward. One of the more intriguing examples is the diamond pattern. It's both visually appealing and complex, bringing together concepts like loops, conditional statements and efficient coding.

  • The diamond pattern relies heavily on nested loops; one for spaces and two for stars.

  • First off, define your input parameters - this will represent the number of rows in your diamond pattern.

  • Initiate an outer loop running from 1 to the number of rows.

  • Use conditional PL/SQL statements (IF-THEN-ELSE) to differentiate between the upper and lower halves of the diamond.

  • Implement two inner loops within each condition: one loop prints spaces while the other prints stars.

  • In PL/SQL syntax, utilize FOR loops when implementing this code due to their efficiency and readability in repetitive tasks such as printing patterns.

  • Ensure correct positioning of space characters for proper alignment of star characters to create a flawless Diamond Pattern.

  • Keep track of your variables which play an instrumental role in maintaining structure and symmetry in patterns like diamonds.

  • For beginners, comprehend that every new row means one less space (' ') on left but two more stars ('*') in center if you are still building the upper half of your diamond.

  • You start reducing stars from the center as soon as you start constructing the lower bottom part but increasing spaces again on left side per row.

  • Thoroughly test and debug your PL/SQL code, looking out for errors that could disrupt your pattern or produce erroneous output.


The following code is an implementation of the diamond pattern in PL/SQL −

   n NUMBER := 5; -- Number of rows
   i NUMBER;
   j NUMBER;
   -- Upper half of the diamond pattern
   FOR i IN 1..n LOOP -- Outer loop for rows

      FOR j IN 1..n-i LOOP -- Inner loop for spaces
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' ');
      END LOOP;

      FOR j IN 1..2*i-1 LOOP -- Inner loop for stars
      END LOOP;

      DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; -- Move to next row


   -- Lower half of the diamond pattern
   FOR i IN n-1 DOWNTO 1 LOOP -- Outer loop for rows

      FOR j IN 1..n-i LOOP -- Inner loop for spaces
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' ');
      END LOOP;

      FOR j IN 1..2*i-1 LOOP -- Inner loop for stars
      END LOOP;

      DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; -- Move to next row





Number Pattern

Let's explore an interesting facet of PL/SQL - printing number patterns. The seemingly simple task of printing number patterns can be quite challenging, especially for beginners. But don't worry; with the right approach and understanding of PL/SQL syntax and codes, you'll soon master this skill.

  • To start, decide on the specific number pattern you want to create. For simplicity, let's consider a straightforward ascending numerical pyramid pattern:

Next, write your code using PL/SQL's powerful loops feature. The 'FOR' loop is particularly useful in creating such patterns. Here is a sample code for the aforementioned pattern −


   n NUMBER := 5; -- Number of rows
   FOR i IN 1..n LOOP -- Outer loop for rows

      FOR j IN 1..i LOOP -- Inner loop for numbers
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(j || ' ');
      END LOOP;

      DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE; -- Move to next row



  • The outer loop iterates from 1 to the number of rows, controlling the row numbers.

  • The inner loop iterates from 1 to the current value of the outer loop control variable, controlling the elements within each row.

  • Within the inner loop, each number j is printed on the same line using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(j || ' ').

  • After each row is completed, a new line is created using DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE.


1 2 
1 2 3 
1 2 3 4 
1 2 3 4 5

Pattern Printing in PL/SQL

To print patterns in PL/SQL, you can utilize loops and conditional statements to create various shapes and designs. By using loops, you can repeat the printing process multiple times, while nested loops allow for more complex patterns.

Additionally, implementing conditional statements allows for customization and variation within the patterns.

Using loops to print patterns

To print patterns in PL/SQL, one of the most commonly used techniques is to utilize loops. Loops allow you to repeat a certain block of code multiple times, which is crucial when it comes to printing intricate patterns.

By using loops in your PL/SQL program, you can easily control the number of iterations and structure of the pattern being printed. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, understanding how to effectively use loops for pattern printing is essential.

It enables you to create complex shapes like pyramids or diamonds effortlessly by repeating specific lines or characters in a systematic manner. So take advantage of the power of loops in PL/SQL and unlock endless possibilities for creating visually appealing patterns!

Using nested loops for complex patterns

To create complex patterns in PL/SQL, you can leverage the power of nested loops. By nesting one loop inside another, you can control the number of rows and columns for your pattern printing.

This specific technique will allow you to create complex and intricate patterns those would be cumbersome to achieve with a single loop.

For example, let's say you want to print a pyramid pattern using asterisks (*). To achieve this, you can use two nested loops. The outer loop will control the rows while the internal loop would control the columns.

By manipulating these loops and adding conditional statements if needed, you can create various patterns with different sizes and shapes.

Implementing conditional statements for pattern variations

To add variations to your patterns in PL/SQL, you can implement conditional statements. These statements allow you to modify the pattern based on certain conditions met within the code.

By using if-else statements or switch-case constructs, you can create different pattern variations depending on specific criteria.

Assume that you want to print a pyramid pattern with alternating colors for every row. You can use a statement called if-else statement to determine whether the current row is even or odd.

In case it's even, you can print one color and suppose if it's odd, you can print another color.

By adding these conditional statements within your pattern printing code, you have the flexibility to create endless possibilities for your patterns in PL/SQL. This allows for more dynamic and customizable outputs that cater to specific requirements or design preferences.

Programming Tips

To enhance your pattern printing skills in PL/SQL, follow these tips: utilize appropriate variables and data types, optimize code for efficiency, test and debug thoroughly. Additionally, implement error handling to handle any edge cases that may arise.

These programming tips will help you master the art of pattern printing in PL/SQL.

Use appropriate variables and data types

When printing patterns in PL/SQL, it is crucial to use appropriate variables and data types. This ensures that your code is efficient and avoids any unnecessary complications. When choosing variables, consider the size and functionality of the pattern you are trying to print.

Suppose, if you work with large patterns or such patterns that require complex calculations, using appropriate numeric data types such as NUMBER or INTEGER can help maintain accuracy and efficiency.

Similarly, when selecting data types for string-based patterns or characters in your code, make sure to choose the correct datatype such as VARCHAR2 or CHAR. Using the correct data type helps prevent unexpected results and improves overall performance.

Optimize code for efficiency and Test and debug your code

To ensure that your pattern printing code in PL/SQL is efficient and error-free, it's crucial to optimize your code and thoroughly test and debug it. Optimizing code involves finding ways to make it run faster or use fewer system resources without sacrificing functionality.

You can achieve this by avoiding unnecessary calculations or repetitions, using efficient algorithms, and optimizing loops.

Testing and debugging are essential steps in the coding process that help identify and fix any errors or bugs in your program. By testing your code with different inputs and scenarios, you can ensure that it works as intended.

Professionals know the importance of efficiently optimized code and rigorous testing for robust programming solutions. Beginners should also adopt these practices from the start to improve their skills and produce reliable results.


Learning how to print patterns in PL/SQL can greatly enhance your programming skills and open up new possibilities for creative problem-solving. By exploring real-world examples and understanding the syntax and code involved, you'll be able to create intricate patterns with ease.

Remember to optimize your code, test it thoroughly, and handle any potential errors that may arise. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, mastering pattern printing in PL/SQL will undoubtedly make you a more versatile programmer.

So experiment with different patterns, and watch your coding prowess soar!

Updated on: 31-Jan-2024


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