Print anagrams together in Python using List and Dictionary

In this tutorial, we are going to write a program which finds and prints anagrams using list and dictionary. We have different approaches to every problem. Try to write code without following the tutorial. If you are not able to generate any ideas to write logic, follow the below steps.


1. Initialize a list of strings.
2. Initialize an empty dictionary.
3. Iterate through the list of strings.
   3.1. Sort the string and check if it is present in the dictionary as key or not.
      3.1.1. If the sorted string is already present dictionary as a key then, append the original string to the key.
   3.2 Else map an empty list with the sorted string as key and append the original to it.
4. Initialize an empty string.
5. Iterate through the dictionary items.
   5.1. Concatenate all the values to the empty string.
6. Print the string.

Let's write the code for the above algorithm.


## initializing the list of strings
strings = ["apple", "orange", "grapes", "pear", "peach"]
## initializing an empty dictionary
anagrams = {}
## iterating through the list of strings
for string in strings:
   ## sorting the string
   key = "".join(sorted(string))
      ## checking whether the key is present in dict or not
      if string in anagrams.keys():
         ## appending the original string to the key
         ## mapping an empty list to the key
         anagrams[key] = []
         ## appending the string to the key
## intializing an empty string
result = ""
## iterating through the dictionary
for key, value in anagrams.items():
   ## appending all the values to the result
   result += "".join(value) + " "
## printing the result


If you run the above program, you will get the following output.

apple orange grapes pear peach


If you have any doubts regarding the tutorial, mention them in the comment section.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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