Print all the Prime Numbers between Ëm' and Ën' In PL/SQL


This article discusses the printing of prime numbers between two given values using PL/SQL. It emphasizes the importance of efficiency, precision, readability, maintainability, and error handling in software development. Optimized algorithms and data structures are employed to efficiently identify prime numbers. The use of meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and comments enhances code comprehension and adheres to coding best practices. Error handling and validation are crucial for producing reliable software solutions.

The article highlights that there is an infinite number of prime numbers, underscoring the need for efficient algorithms. The focus is on providing a comprehensive and engaging explanation for the audience.

Understanding Prime Numbers

Prime numbers hold significant importance in number theory and cryptography. They are indivisible except by 1 and themselves, making them crucial for secure communication in cryptography. Prime numbers are used in encryption schemes, as factoring large composite numbers into their prime factors is difficult. Several techniques, such as probabilistic primality testing algorithms like Miller-Rabin and sieves like Eratosthenes and Atkin, aid in generating prime numbers efficiently. When implementing code in PL/SQL, the coder prioritizes optimized algorithms, readability, and maintainability. Error handling and validation ensure accurate results and prevent crashes. Incorporating these techniques enables efficient and reliable identification of prime numbers, supporting secure communication and various applications in number theory and computer science.

Creating a PL/SQL Program

To develop a program in PL/SQL, one can create a comprehensive solution for identifying and displaying the set of prime numbers within a specified range. A programmer would approach this task by using optimized algorithms and data structures to generate the list of prime numbers efficiently. They would implement error handling in the PL/SQL program to ensure that invalid inputs, such as non-numeric values or negative numbers for Ëm' (m) and Ën' (n), are gracefully handled.

Additionally, they would handle any potential errors or exceptions that may occur during the execution of the code, preventing crashes or incorrect results. By incorporating these practices, the program can run smoothly without unnecessary steps or calculations.

In order to make the code more readable and maintainable, one would follow coding best practices and design patterns when writing the PL/SQL program. They would use meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and comments to enhance readability. This ensures that other developers who work on the code in future can easily understand its functionality.

Furthermore, by optimizing the prime number generation algorithm for better performance, they can minimize computational resources required to identify prime numbers within a given range. This helps improve the overall efficiency of the program.

Overall, implementing error handling in the PL/SQL program along with optimizing the prime number generation algorithm not only makes it efficient but also enhances its readability and maintainability. By following these principles, a comprehensive solution can be created that is precise and efficient while ensuring the accuracy of results even when faced with invalid inputs or potential errors during execution.

An example

Here is an example code to print all the prime numbers between two given numbers in PL/SQL −

n NUMBER := 100; -- upper limit
m NUMBER := 1;  -- lower limit
 -- A function that checks if a number is prime
   i NUMBER;
   IF num <= 1 THEN
   END IF;
   FOR i IN 2..TRUNC(SQRT(num)) LOOP
      IF MOD(num, i) = 0 THEN
         RETURN FALSE;
      END IF;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Prime numbers between ' || m || ' and ' || n || ':');
   FOR i IN m..n LOOP
      IF isPrime(i) THEN
      END IF;

In the above example, the variables n and m represent the upper and lower limits respectively. The function isPrime checks if a given number is prime or not.

The code iterates from m to n and checks if each number is prime using the isPrime function. If a number is prime, it is printed using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.

You can change the values of n and m to specify the desired range of numbers.

Testing and Displaying the Prime Numbers

Setting the range for prime number generation involves determining the starting and ending points 'm' and 'n'.

It must be ensured that these values are valid inputs, handling cases of non-numeric values or negative numbers gracefully. Additionally, they would optimize the algorithm to efficiently generate the list of prime numbers within this range.

Printing the prime numbers in a readable format is crucial for better understanding and analysis. The code would include proper indentation, comments, and meaningful variable names to enhance readability. They would also follow coding best practices and design patterns to make the code maintainable and easily modifiable in the future.

Error handling and validation are essential aspects of ensuring smooth execution of the program. The code would be incorporated with error checking mechanisms to handle any potential errors or exceptions that may occur during runtime.

This includes validating inputs for non-numeric values or negative numbers, as well as handling any unexpected errors gracefully to prevent crashes or incorrect results.

Setting the Range for Prime Number Generation

The range for generating prime numbers can be determined by specifying the values of 'ëm' (m) and 'ën' (n). The upper limit, represented by 'ën', defines the highest number up to which prime numbers will be generated. This allows for flexibility in generating primes within a specific range, such as finding all the primes between 10 and 100. By setting appropriate values for 'ëm' (m) and 'ën' (n), the program can focus on generating prime numbers only within that range, reducing unnecessary computations.

To optimize the generation of prime numbers, software engineers and data analysts explore different approaches. They use optimized algorithms and data structures to efficiently generate the list of prime numbers. These algorithms are designed to minimize calculations by utilizing mathematical properties of prime numbers. For example, one popular algorithm is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which eliminates multiples of each identified prime number to quickly identify new primes.

Adopting readable and maintainable coding practices is crucial when developing programs for generating prime numbers. It must be ensured that their code is easy to read and understand by using meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and comments. Additionally, they follow coding best practices and design patterns to make the code maintainable and adaptable for future modifications or extensions.

Error handling and validation are also essential components in the code for generating prime numbers. Engineers implement checks to handle invalid inputs such as non-numeric values or negative numbers for 'ëm' (m) and 'ën' (n). Graceful handling of these cases prevents crashes or incorrect results. Furthermore, error handling includes addressing potential errors or exceptions that may occur during execution, ensuring smooth program operation.

By employing these strategies - determining the upper limit for prime number generation, optimizing approaches through efficient algorithms, prioritizing readability/maintainability in coding practices, as well as implementing effective error handling/validation -the programmer must create programs that reliably generate prime numbers within specified ranges while minimizing unnecessary computations.


A skilled user approaches the task of printing all prime numbers between 'm' and 'n' in PL/SQL with precision and efficiency. They employ optimized algorithms alongside appropriate data structures to quickly generate the desired list of prime numbers without any unnecessary steps or calculations involved. The code they construct adheres to readability standards by employing meaningful variable names along with proper indentation for better organization; furthermore, comments provide clarity throughout its implementation process. Incorporating error handling mechanisms ensures graceful handling of invalid inputs while preventing execution errors as well. Such meticulousness establishes a robust program that reliably prints prime numbers, highlighting the programmer's expertise and delivering exceptional results.

Updated on: 28-Jun-2024


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