Print all Subsequences of a String in Python


In the field of string manipulation and algorithm design, the task of printing all subsequences of a given string plays a crucial role. A subsequence is a sequence of characters obtained by selecting zero or more characters from the original string while maintaining their relative order. We may examine different combinations and patterns inside a string thanks to the production of all feasible subsequences, which is useful for tasks like string processing, data compression, bioinformatics, and algorithm design. In this article, we will examine both recursive and iterative methods for effectively printing all subsequences of a string in Python.

Understanding subsequences

Before we go into the details of implementation, let's define the word "subsequences." A subsequence of a string is a sequence of characters that is produced by removing some characters—possibly none—out of the original string while keeping the original character order. An example would be the followings of the string "India" are ['', 'I', 'n', 'In', 'd', 'Id', 'nd', 'Ind', 'i', 'Ii', 'ni', 'Ini', 'di', 'Idi', 'ndi', 'Indi', 'a', 'Ia', 'na', 'Ina', 'da', 'Ida', 'nda', 'Inda', 'ia', 'Iia', 'nia', 'Inia', 'dia', 'Idia', 'ndia', 'India'].

It's significant to remember that every string, even the empty string, might have a subsequence. A string of length n also has 2n subsequences total, without counting the empty subsequence. The number of subsequences rises exponentially with the length of the string.

Recursive Approach

It makes sense to construct all subsequences of a string using the recursive method. We may use the idea of backtracking to thoroughly investigate every character combination. A general description of the recursive algorithm is given below:

Base case Returns an array containing the empty string as the lone entry if the supplied string is empty.

Repeating case:

Identify the string's initial character.

For the final substring, produce each subsequence recursively.

Combine each subsequence resulting from the recursive call with the retrieved character.

Add the subsequences that are produced to the output array.

Return an array containing every subsequence.

Let's look at how Python implements the recursive approach:


def get_all_subsequences(string):     
   if len(string) == 0: 
      return [''] 
   first_char = string[0]     
   remaining_subsequences = get_all_subsequences(string[1:])     
   current_subsequences = [] 
   for subsequence in remaining_subsequences:         
      current_subsequences.append(first_char + subsequence) 
   return current_subsequences 
# Test the function 
input_string = 'India' 
subsequences = get_all_subsequences(input_string) 


['', 'I', 'n', 'In', 'd', 'Id', 'nd', 'Ind', 'i', 'Ii', 'ni', 'Ini', 'di', 'Idi', 'ndi', 'Indi', 'a', 'Ia', 'na', 'Ina', 
'da', 'Ida', 'nda', 'Inda', 'ia', 'Iia', 'nia', 'Inia', 'dia', 'Idia', 'ndia', 'India'] 

The recursive technique works by iteratively solving each subproblem to get the final solution. The bigger issue is divided into more manageable issues. However, this approach has exponential temporal complexity due to the large number of subsequences. The temporal complexity is O(2n), where n is the length of the input string.

Iterative Approach

The recursive technique offers a straightforward solution, but it has exponential temporal complexity. We may use an iterative strategy that creates subsequences iteratively by building on the outcomes of prior rounds to solve this problem.

The iterative algorithm proceeds as follows:

Create a blank list from scratch to hold the subsequences.

Go over each character in the supplied string iteratively.

Iterate over the current subsequences for each character and add the new character to each subsequence to produce new subsequences.

The list of existing subsequences should be updated to include the new ones.

For every character in the input string, repeat these steps.

Return the list of all subsequences to finish.

Here is how Python implements the iterative method:


def get_all_subsequences(string): 
    subsequences = [''] 
    for char in string: 
       current_subsequences = [] 
       for subsequence in subsequences: 
          current_subsequences.append(subsequence + char) 
        subsequences = current_subsequences 
    return subsequences 
# Test the function 
input_string = 'India' 
subsequences = get_all_subsequences(input_string) 


['', 'a', 'i', 'ia', 'd', 'da', 'di', 'dia', 'n', 'na', 'ni', 'nia', 'nd', 'nda', 'ndi', 'ndia', 'I', 'Ia', 'Ii', 'Iia', 'Id', 'Ida', 'Idi', 'Idia', 'In', 'Ina', 'Ini', 'Inia', 'Ind', 'Inda', 'Indi', 'India'] 

Time and Space ComplexityAnalysis

Python has an O(n * 2n) time complexity for printing all subsequences of a string, whether recursively or iteratively, where n is the length of the input string. This is because a specific string may only potentially contain 2n subsequences. In each procedure, we loop through the string's n characters, adding or removing each character to form new subsequences. Because of this, the time needed to produce every subsequence increases exponentially as the length of the string increases, giving both methods a temporal complexity of O(n * 2n).

Due to the exponential growth of the function call stack with the number of recursive calls, the space complexity of the recursive technique is O(2n). To hold variables and return addresses, each recursive call generates a fresh frame on the stack.

The iterative technique, on the other hand, has a space complexity of O(2n), but it also requires more storage space to accommodate the subsequences that are produced during each iteration. Since it does not use recursive function calls, memory usage is more efficient than with the recursive technique.

Practical Applications

There are several practical uses for Python's ability to print every subsequence of a string.

Let's examine a few such use cases:

String Manipulation

It is common practice in string processing operations to generate every feasible combination or variant of a given string. For instance, creating all subsequences in natural language processing might be helpful for coming up with word combinations or investigating various phrase patterns. It may also be used in text mining, where examining all potential subsequences aids in pattern recognition, the extraction of useful data, and statistical analysis of text data.

Data Compression

In data compression algorithms, generating all subsequences is crucial for constructing compressed representations of the input data. Techniques like Burrows−Wheeler Transform and Huffman coding rely on generating all possible subsequences to identify repeated patterns and assign shorter codes to frequent subsequences, resulting in efficient compression of data.


In bioinformatics, the analysis of DNA and protein sequences often involves examining all possible subsequences to identify conserved regions, detect mutations, or predict functional elements. Techniques like sequence alignment and motif finding rely on generating all possible subsequences to compare and analyze genetic sequences.

Algorithm Design

The generation of all subsequences is a fundamental step in designing and analyzing algorithms. It can be used in dynamic programming to solve problems like the longest common subsequence, substring matching, and sequence alignment. Additionally, generating all subsequences can aid in generating test cases for algorithm validation and performance evaluation.


In this article, we explored the topic of printing all subsequences of a string in Python. We discussed both the recursive and iterative approaches to generate these subsequences and provided implementations for each. We analyzed the time and space complexities of these approaches and discussed their practical applications in various domains.

We can investigate the combinatorial possibilities inside a given string by printing all subsequences of the string. The capacity to create all subsequences offers important insights and helps us to address a variety of issues, whether it be for string processing, data compression, biology, or algorithm creation.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023

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