Print all Balanced Brackets Strings that can be formed by replacing wild card β€˜?’

Balanced Brackets mean if we have a string of brackets then each open bracket has a corresponding close bracket and the pair of brackets is properly nested. The size of the string should be ab even number. In this problem we have given a string of the brackets that also contain the character β€˜?’ and our task is to form every possible balanced bracket string by replacing the β€˜?’ to appropriate brackets. In our given string only parentheses β€˜(β€˜ and β€˜)’ brackets are used.

Sample Examples

Input 1: str = β€œ()(?)?”
Output 1: ()(()) 


Only one balanced string is possible to form by replacing β€˜?’.

Input 2: str = β€œ??????”
Output 2: ((()))


There are two possible ways to form a balanced string.

  • One way is to replace indexes 0, 1, and 2 with an open bracket and the other indexes with a closed bracket.

  • The second way is to replace indexes 0, 1, and 3 with an open bracket and other indexes with a closed bracket.

  • Third way is to replace indexes 0, 1, and 4 with an open bracket and other indexes with a closed bracket.

  • Fourth way is to replace indexes 0, 2, and 3 with an open bracket and other indexes with a closed bracket.

  • The last way is to replace indexes 0, 2, and 4 with an open bracket and other indexes with a closed bracket.


We have seen the example above for the given string, let us move to the approach βˆ’

We can solve this problem using a backtracking approach.

Let’s discuss this approach below βˆ’

  • First, we will initialize a function β€˜create’ to create all possible strings after replacing β€˜?’ with the bracket with parameters str and index = 0.

  • In the function,

  • βˆ’> First, we set the base condition. If we reached the end point of the string then we have to pass that string to the β€˜check’ function to verify the string whether is balanced or not. If it is balanced then print the string.

    βˆ’>If the current character of the string is β€˜?’,

    First, replace it with the open bracket and call the same function to check whether we reached the end of the string or not.

    Secondly, replace it with the close bracket and again call the same function to check whether we reached the end of the string or not.

    In the end, we backtrack the string and assign the current character β€˜?’

    βˆ’> Else, the current character of the string is a bracket then move to the next index by calling the same function.

  • Initializing the β€˜check’ function to verify whether the string is balanced or not.

  • βˆ’> In this function we initialize the stack and then check

    βˆ’> If the first character of the string is a close bracket, then return false

    βˆ’> Else if the current bracket is closed, further there are two conditions If the stack is empty return false as there is in the corresponding open bracket. Else pop the corresponding open bracket from the stack.

    βˆ’> In the end, we have checked If the stack is empty means the string is balanced and returns true else there are some brackets left means the string is not balanced and returns false.


Below is C++ code for the above approach of the backtracking to get the all the balanced strings

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; 
// Function 'check' to verify whether the string is balanced or not
bool check(string str){
   stack<char> S; // created stack 
// If the first character of the string is a close bracket, then return false
   if (str[0] == ')') {
      return false;
   // Traverse the string using for loop 
   for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { 
      // If the current character is an open bracket, then push it into the stack
      if (str[i] == '(') { 
      // If the current character is a close bracket
      else { 
         // If the stack is empty, there is no corresponding open bracket return false
         if (S.empty()){
            return false;
         // Else pop the corresponding opening bracket from the stack
   // If the stack is empty, return true
   if (S.empty()){
      return true;
   else {
      return false;

// Function 'create' to create all possible bracket strings
void create(string str, int i){ 

   // If reached the end of the string
   if (i == str.size()) { 
      // passed 'str' to the 'check' function to verify whether the string is balanced or not
      if (check(str)) { 
         // If it is a balanced string
         cout<< str << endl; // print the string
   // If the current character of the string is '?'
   if (str[i] == '?') { 
      str[i] = '('; // replace ? with (
      create(str, i + 1); // continue to next character 
      str[i] = ')'; // replace ? with )
      create(str, i + 1); // continue to next character 
      // backtrack
      str[i] = '?';
   // If the current character is bracketed then move to the next index
   else {
      create(str, i + 1);
int main(){
   string str = "??????"; //given string 
   // Call the function
   create (str, 0);
   return 0;



Time and Space Complexity

The time complexity of the above code is O(N*(2^N), as we have to backtrack over the string.

The space complexity of the above code is O(N), as we are storing the brackets in the stack.

Where N is the size of the string.


In this tutorial, we have implemented a program to Print all Balanced Brackets Strings that can be formed by replacing wild card β€˜?’. We have implemented an approach of Backtracking. The time complexity is O(N*(2^N) and the space complexity of O(N). Where N is the size of the string.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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