Principal Component Analysis with Python


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used statistical technique for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in data analysis. It provides a powerful framework to uncover the underlying patterns and structure in high−dimensional datasets. With the availability of numerous libraries and tools in Python, implementing PCA has become accessible and straightforward. In this post, we'll look into Principal Component Analysis in Python, going over its theory, implementation, and practical applications.

We'll walk through the steps of doing PCA with popular Python tools like NumPy and scikitlearn. You will learn how to reduce the dimensionality of datasets, extract significant features, and display complicated data in a lower−dimensional space by learning PCA.

Understanding Principal Component Analysis

A dataset is statistically transformed into a new collection of variables called principle components using the statistical approach known as principal component analysis. The linear combinations of the initial variables that make up these components are arranged according to relevance. Each succeeding component explains as much of the remaining variation as it can, with the first principal component capturing the most variance in the data.

The Mathematics behind PCA

Numerous mathematical ideas and computations are used in PCA. Following are the crucial actions in completing PCA:

  • Standardisation: The dataset's properties must be standardized such that they have unit variance and zero means. The contributions of each variable to the PCA are balanced as a result.

  • Covariance Matrix: To comprehend how various variables in the dataset relate to one another, the covariance matrix is produced. It gauges how variations in one variable impact variations in another.

  • Eigendecomposition: The covariance matrix is decomposed into its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Eigenvectors represent the directions or principal components, while eigenvalues quantify the amount of variance explained by each eigenvector.

  • Selection of Principal Components: The eigenvectors corresponding to the highest eigenvalues are selected as the principal components. These components capture the most significant amount of variance in the data.

  • Projection: The original dataset is projected onto the new subspace spanned by the selected principal components. This transformation reduces the dimensionality of the dataset while preserving the essential information.

Implementation of PCA in Python


import numpy as np 
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA 
# Sample data 
X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) 
# Instantiate PCA with desired number of components 
pca = PCA(n_components=2) 
# Fit and transform the data 
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X) 
# Print the transformed data 


[[-7.79422863  0.        ] 
 [-2.59807621  0.        ] 
 [ 2.59807621  0.        ] 
 [ 7.79422863 -0.        ]] 

Benefits of PCA

  • Feature Extraction:PCA may be used to extract features as well. We may isolate the dataset's most instructive characteristics by choosing a subset of principle components, which are the transformed variables generated by PCA. This method aids in reducing the number of variables used to represent the data while keeping the most important details intact. When working with datasets that have a high correlation between the original features or when there are many duplicate or irrelevant characteristics, feature extraction with PCA can be especially helpful.

  • Data Visualization:PCA enables the visualization of high−dimensional data in a lower−dimensional space. By plotting the principal components, which represent the transformed variables, patterns, clusters, or relationships among data points can be observed. This visualization aids in understanding the structure and characteristics of the dataset. By reducing the data to two or three dimensions, PCA allows for the creation of insightful plots and graphs that facilitate data exploration, pattern recognition, and the identification of outliers.

  • Noise Reduction:The major components that capture the lowest degree of variance or fluctuation in the data may occasionally be referred to as noise. In order to denoise the data and concentrate on the most important information, PCA can aid by excluding certain components from the study. The underlying patterns and relationships in the dataset may be better understood thanks to this filtering procedure. When working with noisy or dirty datasets, when separating the important signal from the noise is necessary, noise reduction with PCA is especially helpful.

  • Detection of Multicollinearity: When independent variables in a dataset have substantial correlations, multicollinearity arises. PCA may help identify multicollinearity by assessing the correlation pattern of the principle components. It is feasible to pinpoint variables that contribute to multicollinearity by examining the connections between the components. Data analysis might benefit from knowing this information since multicollinearity can result in unstable models and incorrect interpretation of the connection between variables. Analyses can be more dependable and resilient by resolving multicollinearity concerns, such as by variable selection or model change.

Practical Examples of PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a versatile technique that finds applications in various domains. Let's explore some practical examples where PCA can be beneficial:

  • Image Compression: PCA is a technique for compressing visual data while maintaining key details. In image compression, PCA may be used to convert highdimensional pixel data into a lower−dimensional representation. We may drastically reduce storage needs without sacrificing visual quality by expressing pictures using a smaller set of primary components. Several applications, including multimedia storage, transmission, and image processing, have made extensive use of PCAbased image compression approaches.

  • Genetics and Bioinformatics: Genomic and bioinformatics researchers frequently utilize PCA to evaluate gene expression data, find genetic markers, and examine population patterns. High−dimensional gene expression profiles can be condensed into a smaller number of principle components in gene expression analysis. This reduction makes it easier to see and comprehend the underlying patterns and connections between genes. Bioinformatics methods based on PCA have improved illness diagnosis, medication discovery, and customized treatment.

  • Financial Analysis: Financial analysis uses PCA for a variety of purposes, including portfolio optimization and risk management. The major components of a portfolio that capture the most substantial variance in asset returns can be found using principal component analysis (PCA). PCA assists in identifying hidden factors that drive asset returns and quantifying their effect on portfolio risk and performance by decreasing the dimensionality of financial variables. In finance, factor analysis, risk modeling, and asset allocation have all used PCA−based methodologies.

  • Computer Vision: Computer vision tasks like object and face identification depend greatly on PCA. PCA may be used to extract the facial pictures' primary components and represent faces in a lower−dimensional subspace in face recognition. PCA−based approaches provide effective face identification and authentication systems by collecting the crucial facial traits. In order to decrease the dimensionality of picture descriptors and increase the effectiveness and precision of recognition algorithms, PCA is also employed in object recognition.


A strong method for dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, and data exploration is principal component analysis (PCA). It offers a method for downscaling high−dimensional data into a lower−dimensional space without losing the most crucial details. In this post, we covered the fundamental ideas of PCA, its implementation in Python using scikit−learn, and its applications across a variety of fields. Analysts and data scientists may improve data visualization, streamline modeling activities, and extract useful insights from large, complicated datasets by utilizing PCA. The data scientist's toolkit should include PCA, which is frequently used for feature engineering, exploratory data analysis, and data pretreatment.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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