Preparation, Properties, and Uses of Sodium Chloride


Sodium Chloride provides the salinity of seawater and all extracellular fluid. Multi-cellular organisms possess a vital role to maintain the salinity of these areas. NaCl is collected from brine solution and by mining the deposits. Households and industries are two areas where the application of NaCl is found in a wide range.

What is Sodium Chloride?

One of the most important ionic compounds is known as Sodium Chloride (NaCl). This is a white crystalline solid widely used as flavour enhancer and preservative. The ratio of the two ions of NaCl is 1:1 (Na:Cl). This component is commonly known as halite adwell as common salt. Halite is the most important mineral form of common salt.

Figure 1 − Structure of Sodium Chloride

The essential ions in extracellular fluid are Na and Cl. In almost all natural food contains NaCl even in small amount. The range of availability of NaCl increases in most processed food. Sodium Chloride is also known as mineral halite, rock salt, sea salt, and table salt.

Preparation of Sodium Chloride

The substance of NaCl is generated by the active participation of both the Sodium and Chloride ions. This component is found in some tropical countries of the world as natural mineral. The preparation process of NaCl consists of evaporation of seawater. This is the easiest and simplest way to produce the salt.

Figure 2 − Crystal structure of NaCl

An important component of NaCl is crude Sodium, which is obtained by brine crystallization process. The preparation reaction of NaCl is presented as follows −


Some certain impurities such as, Sodium Sulphate, Calcium Chloride, and Magnesium Chloride present within the crude salt The available crude salt is dissolved in water for a very small amount. NaCl production is also associated with the process of saturation of Hydrochloride gas. Room and pillar methods are applied to obtain Sodium Chloride from some underground deposits. This salt is mined by miners by drilling and blasting the rocks. Rock salts are another mineral of NaCl. The underground salt layers are mined followed by deposition of salts.

Properties of Sodium Chloride

The most important properties of NaCl are as follows −

  • NaCl is easily soluble in water.

  • This component is insoluble and partially soluble in some other liquids.

  • Sodium Chloride is a white crystal possesses no such odour.

  • It provides a salty taste to food.

  • NaCl acts as a very impactful and proper conductor of electricity when it is in an aqueous state.

  • This compound possesses free movement of ions.

  • The melting point of NaCl is 810°C.

  • Its boiling point is 1413°C.

  • Certain volume of aqueous solution is known as saline solution.

  • Density of NaCl is 2.16 g/mL.

  • The molecular weight is 58.44g/mol.

Uses of Sodium Chloride

Sodium Chloride is used for various purposes because of its suitable nature and componential attributes. Some of its important uses are as follows −

  • NaCl is widely used as an important food condiment.

  • As a taste enhancer and preservative.

  • NaCl is useful in de-icing walkways as it is crystallized and helps in removing ice.

  • NaCl easily removes any type of stain and grease in household cleaning purpose.

  • Saline solution is an essential part of the medical industry. The composition of nasal drops, IV drips, cleansers of wounds, and saline flush injections contain NaCl in it.

  • It is widely used in bleaching and dyeing clothes as well insoap, shampoo, and in household bleaches.

  • The production of caustic soda, Chlorine, paper, rubber, and plastic is associated with NaCl.

Health benefits of Sodium Chloride

The maintenance of the health of an individual is dependent on the availability of NaCl in the body system. Some beneficial attributes of NaCl in health are as follows −

  • The functions of brains are improved and developed by using NaCl.

  • Fluid pressure is regulated and transmission of all electrical impulses is improved by applying NaCl.

  • Improvements in glucose absorption.

  • It aids in neutralizing any kind of stomach acid.

  • NaCl is used in removal of plaque from teeth and in cleaning mouth as well.

  • Muscle contractions are regulated and all enzyme operations are handled properly by applying NaCl.


Sodium Chloride is a component that plays an important role in handling many health related concerns. NaCl is one of the most basic required salt in individual's daily life. The functions of the nervous system are controlled and developed by a proper balance of NaCl. The heart performance of a person is also improved by a normal nerve contraction. The maintenance of proper blood pressure is another beneficial attribute of NaCl. The Hygroscopic nature of NaCl is important in preserving food.


1. What are the primary compositions of NaCl?

The molecular formula of Sodium Chloride is NaCl which possesses a molar mass of 58.44 g/mol. Primary compositions of NaCl are Sodium Cation Na+ and Chloride Anion Cl-.

2. What are the most important usages of a saline solution?

Regular NaCl solution is known as saline. It has different applications in the medical industry. The wound of a patient is washed with saline solution. It is also used in dehydration care and sinus clearance as well.

3. What is the connection of NaCl with bacteria?

The application of NaCl is found in a wide range of areas and the most importantly, as an antibacterial component. Bacterial development is prevented by using NaCl composition.

Updated on: 16-Apr-2024


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