Preparation Properties and Uses Baking Soda


Baking soda is found as white crystalline powder. IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) designates baking soda as Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. All steps of preparing baking soda and its important properties are included here, which is helpful in understanding the importance of Sodium Bicarbonate.

What is baking soda?

One of the most commonly used components in the household is baking soda. It is a crystalline compound tasted like alkaline and salty. Nahcolite is a type of Bicarbonate mineral found in nature. Baking soda is available in almost all mineral springs. This is a component of natural mineral Natron as well.

Figure 1 − Sodium bicarbonate

Nicholas Leblanc was a famous French chemist who first manufactured Sodium Bicarbonate $\mathrm{(NaHCO_{3})}$. John Dwight and Austin Church produced baking soda from Carbon Dioxide and Sodium Carbonate. An important reason for the increasing demand for $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is its applicability in household services. Baking soda is cheap in price and provides a certain level of usefulness and versatility.

Structure of baking soda

The chemical formula of baking soda is $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ and its chemical name is Sodium Bicarbonate. The two ions of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ structure are Na+ and HCO3−.

Figure 2 − Structural components of baking soda

One single Sodium atom, one Carbon, one Hydrogen, and three Oxygen atoms present in the molecular structure of the component. The crystalline structure of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is monoclinic.

Preparation of baking soda

The production of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is done in a Solvay process. This process is widely used for industrial purposes. This preparation method includes some raw materials. Water, Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide and Brine solutions, are four components considered as raw materials in the Solvay process. It is an inexpensive method and the raw materials are easily available Sodium Carbonate and baking soda is two main products of this chemical reactions. These reactions are as follows −



The production of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is also dependent on the recycling of Carbon Dioxide component.

Properties of baking soda

The most important properties of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) are as follows −

  • $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is non-flammable.

  • The power dust of this component is not explosive.

  • The melting point is 50°C.

  • The boiling point is 851°C .

  • A white crystalline solid that possesses no odour.

  • The density in powder is 1.1 - 1.3 g/cm3 and in solid state is 2.20 g/cm3.

  • It is basic in nature.

  • $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is slightly soluble in acetone, water and methanol.

  • It is not soluble in ethanol.

  • It releases $\mathrm{CO_{2}}$ when it is heated and Sodium Carbonate forms.

  • The molar mass of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is 84.0066 g/mol.


Uses of baking soda

Baking soda is used for different purposes. Some of the most important applications are as follows.

  • $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is used in medical fields as an antacid. The treatment of indigestion and acidity is done by this salt. It can reduce acid level in stomach very fast by consuming this as medicine. The alkaline component of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is helpful in reducing indigestion levels. Existence of excessive Hydrochloric acid in stomach is neutralized by consuming the composition of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$.

  • Another important usage of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ is in the food industry. Fluffy and soft bread is made by using baking soda. This component produces Carbon Dioxide at the time of heating and even when it is mixed with water, makes the bread fluffy. This reaction is presented as follows:

  • $$\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}\:+\:H\:+\:\rightarrow\:CO_{2}\:+\:H_{2}O\:+\:odium\:salt\:of\:acid}$$

  • Beauty care products, cosmetics, and almost all personal hygiene goods are prepared by using $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ products.

  • The treatment of teeth and gums also includes a wide range of applications of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$. The mouth and teeth also can be cleaned with the solution of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$.

  • This component forms soapy foams, helps in distinguishing fire. It is called soda- acid fire extinguishers made of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$.

  • The antacid manufacturing process is also associated with the wide application of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$.

  • Preparation of some pesticides also includes the application of $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$.


Sodium Bicarbonate $\mathrm{(NaHCO_{3})}$ consists of four atoms possess individual importance in making this component. Sodium, carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen present in this compound. Recrystallization process is integrally associated with $\mathrm{NaHCO_{3}}$ to produce washing soda. Usage and direct application of this component are found as beneficial for several industrial purposes.


1. What is the pH level of baking soda?

The dissolution of baking soda in water results in forming an alkaline solution. The pH level of a 0.1 molar baking soda solution is around 8.3.

2. Which acid is necessary to activate baking soda?

One of the main constituents of baking soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. The activation of baking soda is dependent on possible reactions with brown sugar, buttermilk, vinegar, and even yoghurt. These reactions produce an alkaline base solution of baking soda.

3. What is the nature of baking soda?

Baking soda is considered an essential crystalline powder component. Baking soda is often found naturally and prepared by some chemical process as well.

Updated on: 16-Apr-2024


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