Post a picture automatically on Instagram using Python

In today's digital era, Instagram has emerged as a popular platform for sharing special moments and connecting with people, now, picture the ease of automatically posting photos on Instagram without any manual effort, all achieved through the utilization of Python programming.

This article aims to guide us through the process of automating picture posts on Instagram, providing a step-by-step approach. By harnessing the power of the Instagram API and the "instabot" library, we will gain insights into logging in, uploading images, adding captions, and logging out seamlessly.

What is instabot library in Python?

The `instabot` library in Python is a third-party library that provides a convenient way to interact with the Instagram API. It serves as a wrapper around the Instagram API, offering simplified methods and functions for automating actions on Instagram, such as logging in, uploading photos, commenting, liking, following/unfollowing users, and more. The library abstracts away the complexities of handling API requests and authentication, allowing Python developers to focus on building automated Instagram bots or scripts without diving deep into the intricacies of the API implementation. It provides a straightforward and efficient approach to automate various tasks on the Instagram platform.

How to Post a picture automatically on Instagram using Python?

Below is the step-by-step explanation of how to implement the process of automatically posting a picture on Instagram using Python −

Step 1: Set up Instagram Developer Account

To access the Instagram API, you need to create an Instagram developer account and register your application. This involves providing information about your application and obtaining the necessary credentials (client ID, client secret, access token). You can do this by visiting the Instagram Developer Platform website ( ).

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

Install the instabot library, which provides a Python wrapper for the Instagram API. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command −

pip install instabot

Step 3: Import the Necessary Libraries

In your Python script, import the Bot class from the instabot library. This class provides methods for interacting with the Instagram API.

from instabot import Bot

Step 4: Initialize the Bot

Create an instance of the Bot class and assign it to a variable. This will allow you to use the bot's methods to perform actions on Instagram.

bot = Bot()

Step 5: Log in to Your Instagram Account

Use the login method of the bot instance to log in to your Instagram account. Provide your Instagram username and password as parameters.

bot.login(username='your_username', password='your_password')

Replace 'your_username' and 'your_password' with your actual Instagram credentials.

Step 6: Upload the Picture

Call the upload_photo method of the bot instance to upload a picture to Instagram. Provide the path to the image file you want to post as a parameter. You can also include an optional caption for the image.

bot.upload_photo('path_to_your_image.jpg', caption='Your caption goes here')

Replace 'path_to_your_image.jpg' with the actual path to the image file on your system. Modify the caption parameter to include the desired caption for the image.

Step 7: Log out of Your Instagram Account

After posting the picture, it's a good practice to log out of your Instagram account using the logout method of the bot instance.


Step 8: Run the Script

Save your Python script and run it. Make sure you have an active internet connection. The script will automatically log in to your Instagram account, upload the specified picture, and then log out.

Please note that using automated posting scripts may go against Instagram's terms of service, and they may have restrictions or rate limits in place to prevent misuse. Make sure to familiarize yourself with Instagram's policies and use such scripts responsibly.

Below is the program example by following the above steps −

from instabot import Bot

# Initialize the bot
bot = Bot()

# Login to your Instagram account
bot.login(username='your_username', password='your_password')

# Upload a picture
bot.upload_photo('path_to_your_image.jpg', caption='Your caption goes here')

# Logout from your account


In conclusion, by harnessing the capabilities of Python and the instabot library, automating picture posts on Instagram becomes an effortless task. This article has walked us through the step-by-step process, enabling you to seamlessly log in, upload images, add captions, and log out.

With this newfound knowledge, you can now save time and effort by automating your Instagram posts. Embrace the power of Python automation to enhance your Instagram experience and streamline your social media presence.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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