Poets and Pancakes

Chapter Summary

The story “Poets and Pancakes” is taken from the book My Years with Boss written by Asokamitran. This book was written when Asokamitran used to work in Gemini studios. This was one of the best films in those days. It has been understood from the story that Asokamitran’s job is cutting newspaper clippings that concern various topics and maintaining a file of the same job. Here, the story depicts a lot about the film industry mainly the film production industry that is present in India. An inside glimpse is found while working on this.

This book was written during the beginning of Post-Independence India. The author first writes about the process and workings of the make-up department. He also makes funs of the actors' look and of the glaring lights. It has been understood later from the prose that Pancakes is the name of the make-up brand that is mainly utilized by Gemini studio.

Why was Kothamangalam Subbu considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios?

In this story, Kothamangalam Subbu succeeded in order to securing the place that is much closer to the boss through means of flattery. He is not a brilliant person but is denoted as the most loyal and cheerful person. He has always tried to remain loyal to his boss. He has also offered various effective solutions to the boss whenever the person is in a fix. This is the main reason that other employees in the studio determine him as No. 2 in Gemini Studios.

Author Describing the Incongruity of an English Poet Addressing the Audience at Gemini Studios

The English poet mainly addresses the Tamil audience at Gemini studio in English. He addresses the audience with a typical provincial accent. The poet was generally talking about the travails and thrills of an efficient English poet to a silent and dazed audience at the studio. This was the incongruity as his audience has never understood him at all.

Sabbu described as a Many-Sided Genius

Sabbu has four special abilities that made him a genius among others. Some specialities of his include, Sabbu always has the ability to look cheerful, happy and joyous. One of his principal advantages is his loyalty and honesty that enhances his creativity at work. This is how he adapted all challenging techniques of filmmaking, and it was a very easy task for Sabbu. He was also inclined to be a novelist and a poet. Sabbu was a brilliant actor with a loving and charitable nature.

How did the author discover who the English visitor to the studios was?

Before investigating revenue in taking part in a contest of a short story, which is organized by an English periodical, The Encounter, the author researched about it on a magazine. The author went to The British Council Library, where he is going through an issue of that periodical. The author also discovered that the editor was Stephen Spender, as he had once visited the studio.

What does “The God that Failed to” referred to?

In the story, the phrase, The God that Failed highlights that it was the complications of 6 essays which is written by six eminent writers. These writers include Richard Wright, Arthur Koestler, Stephen Spender, Andre Gide, Ignazio Silone, and Louis Fischer. In per essays, the writers explain their journeys into Communism, and their disillusioned return from the journey.

Did the people at Gemini Studios have any particular political affiliations?

The majority of people at the Gemini studio were Gandhiji’s followers and they all used to wore Khadi. They never had any type of political affiliation beyond wearing Khadi. The people are all against communism.

Instances That Showed That the Author Has Used Gentle Humour to Point Out Human Foibles

The authors utilized the instance of humour in order to mark the eccentricities and idiosyncrasies without making any rude or direct comment on anyone. The author here also used a make-up artist and pancakes in a brilliant way. Apart from these, Sabbu’s caricature was hilarious here. This is how the writer used gentle humour to point out human foibles.

How Poetry and Films Are Linked with Each Other?

In India, films and poetry are linked with one another intricately. The people, who work at The Gemini Studio all have poetic talent and creative thoughts. The main reason behind it was their leisurely and monotonous life at the studios. The people were not educated or knowledgeable enough to be poets. Unlike poetry, films can also be enjoyed by all with little resources who are unable to cultivate the taste for literature and poetry.

Relationship Between Criticism and Humour Depicted in the Story

This story is interspersed with instances dipped in subtle humour. The humourous instances usually make it relevant and interesting comments on general people's behaviour. Generally, it has been observed that humorous films include a large number of viewers and humorous stories include more readers.

On the other side, Criticism, by means of humour, is very much effective and the filmmakers and writers utilized several humorous elements in their jobs and make criticism and sarcastic comments.

Example of National Integration the Author Refers to

In his story, the writer refers to the division of make-up of The Gemini studio, which was also determined as a major example of national integration. These make-up divisions is because at the studio there is a variation in groups and religions of people, who is working together in the same department. The department head was a Maharashtrian who was a Bengali. The helpers include an Andhra, an Anglo-Burmese, Tamils, and others.


Q1. What was the actual identity of the English visitor in the story?

Ans. Stephen Spender was the potential and famous English visitor to The Gemini Studio. He has edited The Encounter, a famous British Periodical. Stephen was also a famous English poet, novelist, and essayist of the 20th Century.

Q2. Was the Moral Rearmament Army completely welcomed in the studios?

Ans. The Moral Rearmament Army, was a type of counter movement to international communism. Madras' big bosses, including Mr Vasan, mainly played into their hands. This is the main reason for welcoming the Moral Rearmament Army, at Gemini studios.

Q3. Was there any form of communication gap between the Englishman and the people at Gemini Studios?

Ans. It can be known from the story there were about 600 odd people at the Gemini studio who were Tamil speakers. The Englishman addresses all in his own English language and had a peculiar accent. However, there was a communication gap between the Englishman and the people at Gemini Studios as they could not understand each other’s language.

Updated on: 02-Jan-2023


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