Podcasts your video with google hangouts on air

If, you like to start podcast with excellent audio files and don’t know how to initiate it, also don’t know how Google Hangouts On Air play an important role for podcast?

Here is the solution; start podcast with excellent audio files using Google Hangouts on air provides many ways to create audio, video and better SEO.

In this post, you will get to know how to create more active podcasts using the built-in features of Google Hangouts on Air.

Podcasts with Google Hangouts on Air

Generally, Skype is more than sufficient for interview-based podcasts. For OS,

  • Mac uses eCamm’s Skype Call Recorder and

  • Window uses Pamela for Skype.

Both, applications are very much stable, provides options to record video with excellent sound quality.

Google Hangouts on Air is top on content marketing, provides live events on Google+ that concurrently stream to and record on YouTube.

During a live online interview, we get new elements for podcasts; get people who watch, communicate and ask many questions. During this time, we get much more valuable and interesting experience.

Let us know, how to use podcast with Google hangouts on Air,

Set-up Google Hangout on Air

To set-up Google Hangouts on Air,

  • First, create account in YouTube then go to the Settings and choose Connect to Google+.

  • Then, connect Google+ and YouTube channel with each other for live video

  • Next, create a new Google hangout on air by going to Google+ home screen and then click on the drop-down menu and choose hangouts.

  • When Hangouts page opens, just go down to click on Start a hangout on Air button.

  • The pop-up window opens, title the Hangout on Air and describe it also, provides options to select audience and when to start the hangout; you can choose either now or schedule later.

While choosing your audience, try to choose public only, unless you like to choose selected group of people who can only attend your Hangout on Air.

For Example; let’s choose start a Hangout on Air now, the Hangouts On Air capture screen opens. It will display all your guests invited on the show. To start recording, click on the Start Broadcast button, then click on Go Live may take some time, the On Air sign will display yellow in few seconds. The recording session starts and people who are connected with you can see and hear you very clearly.

To stop recording and Hangouts On Air, click on the Stop Broadcast button. After some time, On Air sign will turn-off and the audience who were watching you cannot be able to see you.

Convert MP4 file into MP3 file

To see your whole recording that has been done by YouTube during your Hangout On Air process,

Go to YouTube and log-in into it. After log-in, click on Video Manager to all of the videos created using YouTube. YouTube records videos in MP4 format.

To download, export and save MP4 file in MP3 file format,

  • Click on Menu that is next to the video thumbnail and choose Download MP4.

  • How many Hangouts On Air videos files are uploaded on YouTube, that much time YouTube will take to display it.

  • Next, use an audio editing tool (free: Audacity) to create a final podcast, for example; you can use Audacity is easy to use and applicable on both Mac and PC.

  • Opening MP4 file in Audacity will automatically strips-out the Hangout On Air video and leaves you with just the audio file can add any bumpers and recorded audio file.

  • After everything is done, save it as MP3 File.

Share podcast events and videos in a Blog Post

Although, YouTube records events also with videos, you can tie your podcast back to your Google Hangout On Air. It facilitates to add video and event note of your Hangout On Air in a blog post.

With the video and event notes on your blog, provides options to your audience to discovery and consume your content. Show note purpose is to provide space to podcast listeners to get resource you mentioned during the process.

Very few people know this and convert their Google Hangouts On Air into podcasts. In this wider market, take a chance and grow your audience.


Use all above technique to Podcasts your video with Google Hangouts On Air and insert your created video and event note of Hangout On Air in a blog post. Also, get to know how to convert MP4 file into MP3 file.

Updated on: 07-Jul-2020


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