Plotting Data on Google Map using pygmaps package?

Python pygmaps library provides a wrapper for the google maps javascript api. With this library python users can create a matplotlib like interface to generate the html and javascript and then can depicts all the additional information user’s would like to add on top of Google Maps.

Required library

We are only going to use the pygmaps library/package. You can install the pygmaps library using pip, like:

$pip install pygmaps (windows os)
$sudo pip3 install pygmaps (linux os)

We are going to write a program which will display -

  • Create a map using pygmaps by providing long, lat & zoom level.

  • Set grids on map by providing the start and end long & lat points for the grid and the grid size.

  • Add a point on the map & display it by setting some color to it.

  • Draw a circle around a point on the maps with a radius in meters.

  • Draw the path into a map by providing list of long & lat points.

Below is the implementation of getting different functionality through pygmaps.

import pygmaps
########## CONSTRUCTOR: pygmaps.maps(latitude, longitude, zoom) ##############################
# DESC:initialize a map with latitude and longitude of center point
#and map zoom level "15"
# PARAMETER1:latitude (float) latittude of map center point
# PARAMETER2:longitude (float) latittude of map center point
# PARAMETER3:zoom (int) map zoom level 0~20
# RETURN:the instant of pygmaps
mymap = pygmaps.pygmaps(17.45,78.29, 15)

########## FUNCTION: setgrids(start-Lat, end-Lat, Lat-interval, start-Lng, end-Lng, Lng-interval) ######
# DESC:set grids on map
# PARAMETER1:start-Lat (float), start (minimum) latittude of the grids
# PARAMETER2:end-Lat (float), end (maximum) latittude of the grids
# PARAMETER3:Lat-interval (float) grid size in latitude
# PARAMETER4:start-Lng (float), start (minimum) longitude of the grids
# PARAMETER5:end-Lng (float), end (maximum) longitude of the grids
# PARAMETER6:Lng-interval (float) grid size in longitude
# RETURN:no returns
mymap.setgrids(17.45, 17.46, 0.001, 78.29,78.30, 0.001)

########## FUNCTION: addpoint(latitude, longitude, [color])#############################
# DESC:add a point into a map and dispaly it, color is optional default is red
# PARAMETER1:latitude (float) latitude of the point
# PARAMETER2:longitude (float) longitude of the point
# PARAMETER3:color (string) color of the point showed in map, using HTML color code
#e.g. red "#FF0000", Blue "#0000FF", Green "#00FF00"
# RETURN:no return
mymap.addpoint(17.45,78.29, "#FF0000","Hello")

########## FUNCTION: addradpoint(latitude, longitude, radius, [color])##################
# DESC: add a point with a radius (Meter) - Draw cycle
# PARAMETER1:latitude (float) latitude of the point
# PARAMETER2:longitude (float) longitude of the point
# PARAMETER3:radius (float), radius in meter
# PARAMETER4:color (string) color of the point showed in map, using HTML color code
#e.g. red "#FF0000", Blue "#0000FF", Green "#00FF00"
# RETURN:no return
mymap.addradpoint(17.45,78.29, 150, "#0000FF")

########## FUNCTION: addpath(path,[color])##############################################
# DESC:add a path into map, the data struceture of Path is a list of points
# PARAMETER1:path (list of coordinates) e.g. [(lat1,lng1),(lat2,lng2),...]
# PARAMETER2:color (string) color of the point showed in map, using HTML color code
#e.g. red "#FF0000", Blue "#0000FF", Green "#00FF00"
# RETURN:no return
path = [(17.45,78.29),
(17.55, 78.39),

########## FUNCTION: draw(file)######################################################
# DESC:create the html map file (.html)
# PARAMETER1:file (string) the map path and file
# RETURN:no return, generate html file in specified directory


Note: You might encounter Typeerror while running mymap.addpoint function, something like

TypeError: addpoint() takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given

To avoid that I’ve added the title argument on the addpoint function of the package.


As you can see from the above maps, we are able to visualize multiple functionalities in a single map.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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