Place_forget() method using Tkinter in Python

Tkinter, a popular GUI toolkit for Python, offers a plethora of tools to design intuitive and interactive interfaces, among these, the Place_forget() method stands out as a powerful tool for dynamic GUI layout manipulation. This method enables developers to effortlessly hide or remove widgets from a Tkinter window, providing a seamless user experience.

In this article, we will delve into the details of the Place_forget() method, exploring its syntax, applications, and practical implementation techniques to help you leverage its full potential in your Python GUI projects.

What is Place_forget() method?

The Place_forget() method is a function provided by the Tkinter library in Python, designed specifically for GUI development. It allows developers to manipulate the layout of widgets within a Tkinter window. When called on a specific widget, the Place_forget() method effectively hides or removes that widget from the window, dynamically adjusting the GUI layout accordingly. This method provides a convenient way to update and modify the appearance of a GUI in response to user interactions or changing application states. By utilizing Place_forget(), developers can create more flexible and interactive graphical interfaces with ease.

Syntax of Place_forget() method


Here, "widget" represents the specific widget object on which the Place_forget() method is being invoked. This method does not require any additional parameters or arguments. By calling this method on a widget, it instructs Tkinter to hide or remove that widget from the window's layout.

Applications of Place_forget() method

The Place_forget() method in Tkinter offers a range of applications in GUI development. It allows for dynamic modification of the interface by hiding or removing widgets as needed. This method is commonly used in scenarios where certain elements should be temporarily hidden or made invisible based on user interactions or application states. It enables developers to create more intuitive and adaptive interfaces, such as collapsible panels, toggling displays of additional information, conditional widget visibility, and responsive layouts. With Place_forget(), developers can enhance the user experience by dynamically adjusting the GUI to suit various usage scenarios.

How to use Place_forget() method?

To utilize the Place_forget() method in Tkinter, begin by creating a widget of your choice. When the need arises to conceal or eliminate the widget from the window's layout, just invoke the Place_forget() method on that particular widget. As a result, the graphical user interface (GUI) will seamlessly adapt by hiding or removing the widget accordingly. By employing this method effectively, you gain the ability to effortlessly alter the GUI's appearance in response to user interactions or application logic, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.


import tkinter as tk

def hide_label():

def show_label():, y=50)

# Create a Tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()

# Create a label widget
label = tk.Label(window, text="Tutorialspoint!!!!!")

# Add a button to hide the label
hide_button = tk.Button(window, text="Hide Label", command=hide_label)

# Add a button to show the label
show_button = tk.Button(window, text="Show Label", command=show_label)

# Display the label initially, y=50)

# Run the Tkinter event loop


In the above example,

  • we created a Tkinter window and added a label widget displaying the text "Tutorialspoint!!!". We also included two buttons: "Hide Label" and "Show Label".

  • The hide_label() function is bound to the "Hide Label" button, which calls the place_forget() method on the label widget, effectively hiding it from the window.

  • The show_label() function is bound to the "Show Label" button, which uses the place() method to position the label widget back to its original location.

  • By clicking the buttons, we can toggle the visibility of the label widget using the Place_forget() method, showing and hiding the label dynamically within the Tkinter window.


In conclusion, the Place_forget() method in Tkinter proves to be a valuable tool for GUI development in Python. Its ability to hide or remove widgets dynamically allows for flexible and responsive user interfaces. By understanding the syntax and applications of Place_forget(), developers can effectively manipulate GUI layouts based on user actions or application logic.

Whether it's creating collapsible panels, toggling widget visibility, or adapting to changing states, mastering the Place_forget() method empowers developers to craft more intuitive and engaging GUI experiences.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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