Pipx - Python CLI package tool

Managing and isolating these packages can sometimes be a challenging task, especially when dealing with command-line tools, so hre comes Pipx, a powerful Python CLI package tool that simplifies package installation and management, offering a streamlined experience for developers and users alike.

With Pipx, you can effortlessly install, upgrade, and uninstall Python command-line tools in separate virtual environments, ensuring clean dependencies and avoiding conflicts. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Pipx, empowering you to maximize your Python development workflow.

Features of Pipx

Pipx is a Python CLI package tool that comes equipped with an array of powerful features, designed to enhance your Python development workflow and simplify the management of command-line tools. Here are some of the key features of Pipx −

  • Isolated Virtual Environments − Pipx leverages virtual environments to create isolated environments for each installed tool. This ensures that the dependencies of each tool are separate and avoids conflicts between packages.

  • Global Visibility − Although each tool has its own virtual environment, Pipx ensures that the executables of installed tools are available globally. This means you can run the tools directly from the command line without having to activate their respective environments.

  • Easy Installation − Pipx simplifies the installation process by allowing you to install a package and its associated CLI tool in one step. It automatically creates a virtual environment and installs the package, ensuring a smooth installation experience.

  • Upgrading and Uninstalling − Managing package updates is effortless with Pipx. It provides a simple command to upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions. Additionally, removing a package is as easy as running a single command, which removes the package and cleans up associated files.

  • Dependency Management − Pipx handles the installation and management of package dependencies automatically. It ensures that the required dependencies are installed within the virtual environment of each tool, eliminating conflicts between different tools' dependencies.

  • Integration with PyPI − Pipx integrates seamlessly with the Python Package Index (PyPI), the central repository for Python packages. It fetches the latest versions of packages from PyPI during installation and allows you to specify the version you want to install.

  • Friendly User Interface − Pipx provides a user-friendly command-line interface that is easy to understand and navigate. It offers clear feedback during installation, upgrade, and uninstallation processes, making it a user-friendly tool for developers of all skill levels.

With these features, Pipx empowers Python developers to manage their command-line tools effortlessly, ensuring a clean and efficient development environment. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Pipx simplifies package management and enhances your Python CLI experience.

How to install Pipx?

To install Pipx, you can follow these steps −

  • Ensure that Python 3.6 or higher is installed on your system. We can check the Python version by running the command `python --version` in your terminal or command prompt.

  • Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • Install Pipx using the package manager `pip`. Run the following command −

pip install --user pipx

Note − If you are using macOS or Linux, you may need to use `pip3` instead of `pip` to ensure that you are specifically installing Pipx for Python 3.

  • Once the installation is complete, add Pipx to your system's PATH environment variable. Run the following command −

pipx ensurepath

This command will add the necessary directories to your PATH, allowing you to run Pipx from any location in your terminal.

  • Verify that Pipx is installed correctly by running the command −

pipx --version

If Pipx is installed properly, it will display the version number.

Where is Pipx used?

Pipx, being a Python CLI package tool, can be used in various contexts within the Python ecosystem. Here are some examples of where Pipx can be utilized in Python development −

  • Installing Python Command-Line Tools − Pipx is specifically designed for installing and managing Python command-line tools. It allows you to easily install tools such as Flask, Django, pytest, black, and many others.

  • Python Package Development − When developing Python packages, Pipx can be employed to test and use the package's command-line interface (CLI) tools. It allows you to install the package in a virtual environment created by Pipx and test the CLI functionality directly from the command line, ensuring that the package works as expected in a real-world scenario.

  • Python Project Environments − Pipx can be used to manage command-line tools within Python project environments. For example, if you are working on a web scraping project, you might need to install tools like Beautiful Soup or Scrapy. Pipx enables you to install these tools in their own isolated environments, ensuring that the project's dependencies are separate from other projects.

  • Python Workflows and Automation − Pipx is valuable in various Python workflows and automation tasks. It allows you to install and manage command-line tools used in scripts or automation pipelines. For instance, if you have a script that interacts with the Twitter API, you can use Pipx to install the Tweepy library and its associated CLI tool, enabling seamless interaction with the API from the command line.


In conclusion, Pipx is an indispensable Python CLI package tool that simplifies the installation and management of command-line tools. With features like isolated virtual environments and global visibility, Pipx enhances the Python development workflow, ensuring clean dependencies and effortless tool management.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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