Physical Attraction – What to do When Your Spouse is Overweight?

Some long-married couples say their attraction has grown stronger over time, while others say their attraction has faded, even if they look the same. Some people are more accepting of the changes in their appearance that come with age, pregnancy, and other health problems because they can't do anything about it. The picture looks different if one of them is overweight because he does not eat right or exercise enough. Gray hair and wrinkles happen to everyone in the end. But if a person puts on weight to a significant level, can his partner expect anything to change?

It makes sense to think that a partner who was thin when you got married will continue to look good and be healthy over time. It is not fair to be angry or mean to your partner if you knew from the start that they were having trouble with weight gain, overeating, or not getting enough exercise. Since you knew who you were getting married to, you should have known that a significant change in his way of life was unlikely. Last, it is okay if your partner wants to look good for you. He does not need to look like a million bucks every day, but most people want them to keep their weight and look in check.

Good for You

Even though your partner's weight gain is not just a cosmetic issue, it is still frustrating. Being too thin or fat also affects health and can make it harder for a couple to stay together. They love you and do not want you to leave quickly, especially if something terrible happened that could have been avoided. More severe health problems, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke, are all linked to having too much body fat. Due to your weight, you and your partner might have to cut back on the activities you used to enjoy. You won't care about your health if you don't eat well and don't work out. Someone overweight needs to know this and be aware of it instead of focusing on how he looks and how he makes people feel about his overall personality.

Helping vs. Getting in the Way

It can be hard to know when you should help someone overweight and when you should hurt him. Sometimes love is all it takes to get someone moving, but constant criticism could make someone trying to lose weight eat more. Be aware of how your actions and words might affect the way your partner eats. People often eat to feel better or to deal with criticism. This could cause people to overeat. The resulting weight gain could make the partner less open, worsening the apathy cycle. No one prefers being told what he should do, especially when it has to do with something as sensitive as this. So how do you find a path in the middle?

Favor Working Together

To help your partner reach his weight-loss goals, finding a balance between encouraging your partner and keeping an eye on what he eats is essential. If you don't have a weight problem, you don't have to feel like you have to change your diet and exercise habits. However, it can be helpful and inspiring if you decide. But it's important to remember that an overweight person can only lose weight if he wants to, which could make the other person unhappy.

To get back into the conversation, asking your partner about how he sees his needs can be helpful. Is he looking for someone to work out with, or does he need help to choose healthier foods? To live a better life, you should start by cleaning out your fridge and pantry and filling them with healthier foods. Join in on the exercises that your partner likes to do with you. Besides being a fun activity that can bring people together, Walking is a great way to get fit and lose weight, especially for people who have never done it. You can also come up with activities that are meant to be fun but encourage movement gently. Your partner's weight could be a problem, so you should consider weight loss programs.

Don't Focus on just Weight for the Relationship

It is only personality that makes someone attracted to you. If your partner doesn't want to lose weight, you should focus on other parts of his appearance, like eyes, voice, smell, etc.

It shouldn't matter that you don't feel attracted to your partner. There are times when a couple's physical or emotional connection and compatibility are enough to keep their healthy and often intense relationship going. But you have to realize how important your appearance is and put in the work to make sure you look good and are the best you can be, both for yourself and your partner.


In some ways, you can choose to be happy even if you accept everything as it is. Do not stop doing the things that make you happy. Be careful not to let your spouse's moods and actions, which can change quickly, affect how happy you are. He is the person who helps you at different stages of life and considering the same, you must value your relationship than the outer look of the individual.

But you should be able to tell your partner that he has a lot of room to change how he acts. The phrase "I'm not attracted to you anymore" will likely worsen things. But you might be able to paint a picture for him by telling him about something he loves and cares about that has been ignored to the point where it has lost its elegance and beauty. This might help him understand how he would feel. Try to find ways to praise your partner that are sincere and real. A simple way to keep him moving in the right direction is to tell him about a moment of kindness or thoughtfulness. You can present the facts about his health in decent words and motivate him to achieve some realistic health goals.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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